Global Strong Cities Cold War,
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
“Leading Facts” by David H. Montgomery 1899 and Everyday Civics by Charles Edward Finch 1921: Our Land: Our People 1937 Webster;s School Text:
Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Citizens Commission of Human Rights International, 6362 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite B, Los Angeles, California 90028 , PH#1 800 869 2247 or 213 467 4242
Daily Bites of Global Strong Citizens Cold War: Series 7“ “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7 “Back to the Beginning”
Bite #30,The Debit Card:
by Dwight Kinman (documented)
(to be continued) ....
Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7 “Back to the Beginning”
Bite #30,The Debit Card:
by Dwight Kinman (documented)
The Plan is beginning to phase out credit card buying because the final card is here---- The Visa Card! If your entire financial structure is built around one card and suddenly you are required to have that number or mark in your right hand or your forehead, then there may be tremendous pressure to take that number in your hand or your forehead rather than being wiped out financially. From a spiritual standpoint you need to make sure that your name is written in the lamb’s book of life.
This is paramount above all else. How can you be sure? Come to the cross of Christ just as you are and put your trust in the Blood that Jesus shed. When you come to the Cross and repent asking God to forgive you and when you receive Jesus as your Savior, at that moment you are washed in the Blood of Calvary and you become a child of God. Warn your loved ones not to receive that mark. All who take it will forever forfeit all opportunity of Salvation. Intercede for your loved ones in prayer. Jesus teaches us to occupy till he comes. keep busy right where you are. Keep doing with all your might what God has called you to do.
The New Global Order:
They call this Global Order a law they must enforce!
There in their private quarters they speak for you and yours!
Some call them God’s anointed and trust them through and through! They tell the world to join them or they will force them to! Build temples for Mohammed and they’ll protect your right! Bow down to a banana and worship day and night! But Christ alone? Forget it!
Speak not within the gate! To come out and be separate they will not tolerate! Some call them intellectuals who know just what to do...accepting homosexuals and loving satan’s crew. It isn’t such a mystery. It happened all before. Just travel back in history while there’s an open door.
From border unto border it’s been their Battle Cry! “We need a Global order. Rebellious souls must die! Let Bloody Mary match it or recall what Hitler said, “Have order or the hatchet is coming for your head!
End of Series 7 (to be continued) Series 8 Global Strong Cities Cold War: Bicentennial Years:
(to be continued) ....
(To be continued )
Global Strong Cities Cold War series 7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Daily Bites of Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7: “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
Bicentennial Years:

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