Global Strong Cities Cold War,
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
“Leading Facts” by David H. Montgomery 1899 and Everyday Civics by Charles Edward Finch 1921: Our Land: Our People 1937 Webster;s School Text:
Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Citizens Commission of Human Rights International, 6362 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite B, Los Angeles, California 90028 , PH#1 800 869 2247 or 213 467 4242
Daily Bites of Global Strong Citizens Cold War: Series 7“ “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

(to be continued) ....
Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7 “Back to the Beginning”
Bite #5,First Meetings of Continental Congress:
Public School text book Montgomery 1900.Bite #5,First Meetings of Continental Congress:
The First Continental Congress met in Carpenter Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 5th in 1774 and on October 14th they adopted a Declaration of Colonial Rights. Then on the 26th of October a redress to the King of England was drawn up asking for the redress of their wrongs. The second Continental Congress met in Independence Hall at Philadelphia in the state House May 10th, 1776.
A Second Petition to the king was adopted. Although Congress did not ask to separate at that time from Britain, the king’s proclamation declared the colonies in rebellion. This convinced the delegates to congress of the impossibility of our continuing our allegiance to the English Crown. On June 7th of 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia moved that the colonies are and of right ought to be independent states.
Later a committee of five, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and Robert Livingston of New York, were appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson drew up the papers, though a few alterations were made in it by the committee and by the congress. It was adopted in the evening of July 4th, 1776 and signed by John Hancock, president of congress and Charles Thomson, secretary.
On August 2nd,1776 it was signed by all the members representing all the thirteen states. The first famous paragraph of the declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable (unchanging) rights.
That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
(To be continued )
Global Strong Cities Cold War series 7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Daily Bites of Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7: “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
Bite #7) Enemies of Society: Ignorance and Poverty:
Bite #8) Bureau of Education:
Bite #9) Common Schools:
Bite #10 Importance of Financing Public Schools:
Bite #11) Devoted Supporters Working for Free Education:
Bite #12) The First Free High Schools:
Bite #13) One Room School Houses:
Bite #14) The Merrill Act:
Bite #15 Growth of our Modern School System:
Bite #16 Adult Education:
Bite #17 Social Legislation (for stay at home moms)
Bite #18 Patriotism:
Bite #19 What we owe the World:
Bite #20 Twentieth Century Problems:
Bite #21 The Lunacy Test:
Bite #22 The Railroad Labor Controversy:
Bite #23 Social Workers
Bite #24 The National Education Association:
Bite #25 The New National Education Reorganization of 1957:
Bite #26 The New Global Order:
Bite #27 The Order and the Plan:
Bite #28 Smoke Screen Groups:
Bite #29 Our Hero Mole:
Bite #30 The Debit Card:
To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of Global Strong Cities Cold War,series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks

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