America the beautiful, home of the brave, land of the free! This is the America that I love. Unfortunately this is not the America of today. In the early summer of 2008 I awoke from a slumber of ignorant bliss. Not knowing, not caring to an extent, caught up with MY life and all that I believed was important. Over 3 years later and I am wide eyed, aware, disgusted, amazed, concerned, and overall perplexed at the state of my great country.
How in the world did we get here? What has happened to our society? How did our government arrive at such a horrendous state of economic failure, legislative failure and overall corruption? When did the values of what made America so fantastically great become the enemy of our society? When did socialism become the norm and capitalism the great adversary?
I thought I was aware and knew what was happening in this great country…I was wrong!
Since that time I have spent practically every waking hour productive as possible to educate, inform, share resources, equip patriots, encourage and enlighten as many Americans as humanly possible. In the interim, I have spent an enormous amount of time educating myself. There is a saying “Teacher, teach thyself”. If we are not educated we cannot expect to teach or inform others accurately.
I started this blog as an outlet or opportunity to speak my mind and share with you some truths, inspirations, history and reminders about why Americans are the greatest people in the land …WE are America! “We the people” This is why I named this blog Friends of Liberty. I want this to be a place where we stay on course, reminded of what is important in this movement and why we must remain dedicated to the principles of Liberty, Freedom, Justice and this great American Awakening that has become known as the Tea Party Movement.

Richard D.Miller
Richard D. Miller Founder, Of Friends Of Liberty
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Friends Of Liberty Blog Groups
Our Blogs:The Realistic Observer,The Patriot-Welcome ,Friends Of Liberty, Voices for Life And Persecution Unveiled Cause...
I was raised to do unto others as I would have done unto me. Throughout my life I have tried very hard to follow this simple rule. I am human. I have failed at times. But for the most part, I have been successful in upholding this basic principle. I was taught, and I have tried to teach my own children, that liberty is sacred. As long as I do not invade or usurp the rights of others, no man or government has the right to rob me of mine. I believe this to be true of all men and women. That the right of a person to choose from alternative courses of action, or from various sets of goals, without being restricted by authority, is the truest form of freedom which is accompanied by the obligation to be personally responsible for our own actions. Do not allow man or state to become your nursemaid, and resist those that would accept such conditions as right and proper. Only I, according to my abilities and talents, should determine my prosperity. This should be the goal of any individual.
“Under difficulties I have ever found one and only one rule, to do what is right, and generally we shall disentangle ourselves almost without perceiving how it happened.”
- Thomas Jefferson
I have been- and always shall be a Patriot. However, my loyalty lies not with any government - whether Federal, State or Local or any form thereof. My loyalty lies in the Spirit of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Sam Adams. Ben Franklin, George Washington and all the others who risked their fortunes, property and very lives to give us this Great Nation we now struggle to keep.
However, our Great Nation has fallen from her former Glory and has been reduced to the status of a bloated hog - trampling upon anything and everything that stands in the way of its quest.
“Of all earthly blessings, I place Liberty in the first rank, and of course, consider the obligation to defend and preserve it, as the most sacred of all our civil and social duties…It is not in the power of any single, or few individuals to preserve liberty. It can only be effected by the people themselves; by their intelligence, virtue, courage, and patriotism.”
SC Senator John C. Calhoun, 16 June 1833
Richard D. Miller Founder, Of Friends Of Liberty
And Friends of Liberty Face book : ,
Friends Of Liberty Tea Party Community :
And follow us on Pinterest :
And follow us on Linkin

Friends Of Liberty Blog Groups
Our Blogs:The Realistic Observer,The Patriot-Welcome ,Friends Of Liberty, Voices for Life And Persecution Unveiled Cause...
I was raised to do unto others as I would have done unto me. Throughout my life I have tried very hard to follow this simple rule. I am human. I have failed at times. But for the most part, I have been successful in upholding this basic principle. I was taught, and I have tried to teach my own children, that liberty is sacred. As long as I do not invade or usurp the rights of others, no man or government has the right to rob me of mine. I believe this to be true of all men and women. That the right of a person to choose from alternative courses of action, or from various sets of goals, without being restricted by authority, is the truest form of freedom which is accompanied by the obligation to be personally responsible for our own actions. Do not allow man or state to become your nursemaid, and resist those that would accept such conditions as right and proper. Only I, according to my abilities and talents, should determine my prosperity. This should be the goal of any individual.
“Under difficulties I have ever found one and only one rule, to do what is right, and generally we shall disentangle ourselves almost without perceiving how it happened.”
- Thomas Jefferson
I have been- and always shall be a Patriot. However, my loyalty lies not with any government - whether Federal, State or Local or any form thereof. My loyalty lies in the Spirit of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Sam Adams. Ben Franklin, George Washington and all the others who risked their fortunes, property and very lives to give us this Great Nation we now struggle to keep.
However, our Great Nation has fallen from her former Glory and has been reduced to the status of a bloated hog - trampling upon anything and everything that stands in the way of its quest.
“Of all earthly blessings, I place Liberty in the first rank, and of course, consider the obligation to defend and preserve it, as the most sacred of all our civil and social duties…It is not in the power of any single, or few individuals to preserve liberty. It can only be effected by the people themselves; by their intelligence, virtue, courage, and patriotism.”
SC Senator John C. Calhoun, 16 June 1833
And Associate Authors
Patricia Dowling
Jay T Harding
Dee Fatouros
Darius Radmanesh
Buckeye nut
Robby Bowling
Janet Mackley
Jane Redmond
Beth Schoeneberg
Walter Whiteman
Greg Pollitt
Jim Maerk
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