Global Strong Cities Cold War,
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Series #7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
“Leading Facts” by David H. Montgomery 1899 and Everyday Civics by Charles Edward Finch 1921: Our Land: Our People 1937 Webster;s School Text:
Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Citizens Commission of Human Rights International, 6362 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite B, Los Angeles, California 90028 , PH#1 800 869 2247 or 213 467 4242
Daily Bites of Global Strong Citizens Cold War: Series 7“ “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

Harvard 1635 motto: Motto of Harvard University when it was founded in 1635. To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life is to know God and Jesus Christ when it was founded with the seal that has inscription that reads CHRISTO ET ECCLESIA.
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7 “Back to the Beginning”
Bite #12,The First Free High Schools:
Our Land: Our People: Webster 1939
(to be continued) ....
Bite #12,The First Free High Schools:
Our Land: Our People: Webster 1939
It was around the mid 1800’s that the first free high schools were established. It was even harder to convince the people of the need of free high schools than it was to get them to see how badly the free elementary schools were needed. Scattered through the country were a number of academies which seemed to many people to supply all that was needed in the way of education for any pupil who might want to go on beyond the common elementary school. Here are the comments heard from many “well to do” people: “Why should the children of poor people expect to go to school after they have learned the 3 Rs ?(slang for Reading, Writing, and Rithmetic) If they haven’t money enough to pay for the academies why should we be taxed to help them carry out their foolish notions?”
Even the poor people were also indifferent to the idea of high schools in those days. In spite of strong oppositions free high schools gained a footing here and there. The courses were, what we would call today, practical and no attempt was made to fit the boys who attended them for college. The boys in the academies were inclined to look down on the public high school boys. In the mid 1800’s the colleges and academies were still closed to girls and women. Why should a girl need to go to school for more than a few years if she could read and do the simplest sums?
If she could cook and sew and make butter and do well the other tasks around the house, what else was there for her to learn that would be useful to her? Could she learn the things meant for boys in the academies? Many people doubted it. Slowly the old barriers gave way and academies for women were opened in many places. In a few cases schools opened their doors for women as well as men but not until after 1865 did the women go on to win for themselves the same opportunities in education as enjoyed by the men.
(So, in my opinion, this is the beginning of robbing the child from his mother, and the husband from his wife, and the family as a whole just opened a big can of worms right here! P.L.Sturgis) Gradually the idea spread through the country that education was important for more than only men. (Evidently it was more important to society than the functioning of the family, which up to this time, was valued and branded as the backbone of America. By 1937 there were about 230,000 schools in United States. That was only 80 years ago.
(to be continued) ....
(To be continued )
Global Strong Cities Cold War series 7
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks :
Daily Bites of Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 7: “Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis:
Bite #14) The Merrill Act:
Bite #15 Growth of our Modern School System:
Bite #16 Adult Education:
Bite #17 Social Legislation (for stay at home moms)
Bite #18 Patriotism:
Bite #19 What we owe the World:
Bite #20 Twentieth Century Problems:
Bite #21 The Lunacy Test:
Bite #22 The Railroad Labor Controversy:
Bite #23 Social Workers
Bite #24 The National Education Association:
Bite #25 The New National Education Reorganization of 1957:
Bite #26 The New Global Order:
Bite #27 The Order and the Plan:
Bite #28 Smoke Screen Groups:
Bite #29 Our Hero Mole:
Bite #30 The Debit Card:
“Back to the Beginning” American Public School Textbooks

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