Look What The Media “Purposely” Ignored

You want to know just how biased and disreputable the media are? Consider this past week.
Approximately 1.2 million, if not more, motorcyclists rode into Washington, D.C. to show respect and remembrance for those who were murdered by Muslim terrorists on September 11, 2001. We’re talking a line of bikers 55 miles long and 4 bikes across. The deafening silence of the media pursuant to reporting on this epic show of determinism and patriotism is morally opprobrious even by the media’s own low standards.
The over 1 million motorcyclists were, in effect, the antimycin to the fungus of arrogance by Muslims who had planned to hold a march on Washington to protest how unfairly they are being treated in America. And to do so, they chose the day that their own kind had murdered innocent Americans in 2001 and had murdered again in 2012.

Washington and the media did their best to discourage and minimize the stoicism of the bikers. They were denied permits and police escorts, and the media have refused to acknowledge their magnanimous display of American patriotism.
But it doesn’t stop there. The days following Obama’s specious soliloquy, which posed as a presidential address, to argue his reasons for an unwarranted attack on Syria, the media and the talking heads apparently chose to ignore what Obama had said in a speech he delivered October 2, 2002, emphatically arguing his opposition to the war in Iraq.
Obama said: “…I am opposed to a dumb war…What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Hillary Clinton and other armchair weekend warriors in the [Bush] administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.”
He continued: “…I am opposed to…the attempt by the political hacks like John Kerry to distract us from…a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income – to distract us from…scandals…That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but…not on principle but politics…I suffer no illusions about [Syria’s] Bashar Hafez al-Assad. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. … But I also know that Assad poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his [Assad’s] neighbors.”
Apparently the media and talking heads don’t find it newsworthy that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are the same two “politicians” he condemned as “political hacks” and “armchair weekend warriors” in 2002, who are today Obama’s most revered advisors. Nor apparently do they think it newsworthy that Obama savagely castigated Bush for seeking sanctions against Syria in 2007. Even as he is now begging Congress to grant him permission to attack the same Syrian leader he previously argued was in no way a threat to his neighbors or to the United States.
And, not to be left out, Fox News showed there was room at the bottom of the barrel labeled “duplicitous racial double standards” by continuing to showcase the smarmy, racist, ACORN member Jehmu Greene. While the sports side of Fox fired veteran former pro-football player and their current sports analyst for not being politically correct in response to a debate question on homosexual marriage Craig made during his unsuccessful Texas Senate run more than a year before he was hired by Fox.
Fox sees no harm in retaining Greene after she hurled racial insults at Tucker Carlson, calling him the equivalent of a white-nigger, during a live interview in which she was represented as a paid Fox News Contributor. But Craig’s comment that homosexuals would “have to answer to the Lord for their actions,” made while he was wholly outside any association and/or representation of Fox, was deemed offensive. Fox brass said, “We just asked ourselves how Craig’s statements would play in our human resources department. He couldn’t say those things here.”
In other words Fox sees nothing wrong with black racists calling white conservative guests scurrilous, racial epithets but a white Christian conservative answering a debate question truthfully – renders him unemployable.
News Corp, the media megalith that owns Fox News and Fox Sports, poses as a bastion of conservative opinion, but according to Federal Election Commission data their political donations favored Al Gore over George Bush by a 3-to-1 margin in 2000. In 2008 they donated to Obama over McCain also by a 3-to-1 margin. It is also worthy of note that Fox’s parent company gave the lion’s share of their political contributions to Democrats nine of the last 13 election cycles going back to 1990. (See: Fox News Parent Company Funneling Money … To Dems; WND.com; 7/23/13)
This is the duplicitous, two-faced dishonesty of the media that people are turning to for their news and information. This is the media that claim themselves worthy of our respect and trust.

Dear Patriot :
I'm going to issue a cautionary warning, and hopefully it will be heeded better than the last time I warned against same.  My cautionary warning is that under no circumstances should politicians be allowed to infiltrate the "2 Million Bikers to D.C." nor should politicians be allowed to infiltrate those who I hear are now organizing for a "million truckers united drive to D.C."

I warned Tea Party groups not to fall prey to smiling politicians who wanted the spotlight of being associated with a popular movement.  I warned that Karl Rove and his legion were not going to allow the Tea Party to uproot his plans going into the 2012 elections.  I warned that Rove, et al. would do whatever it took to prevent the Tea Party groups from having even close to the success they had in the 2010 elections.  I also cautioned the leadership of Tea Party groups not to fall prey to their pride by thinking they could obtain a seat at the real political table.

So far the media have, in a perverse way, done the "Bikers to D.C." a favor by ignoring them.  By ignoring them McCain and publicity whores like him have not been inclined to ingratiate themselves into the aforementioned group, and for that we should be thankful.  Also, the very first moment the media and politicians get involved, the NAACP, Jehmu Greene, and Al Sharpton will be calling the "Bikers to D.C." racists.

The only movement of the people that can succeed is one that holds the sword of Damocles over the heads of politicians, and refuses to hold the door open for the politicians to enter.  Thanks to the organizers of this Herculean act of patriotism, We the People have been provided opportunity for a great gathering of Americans to coalesce behind a movement which is gaining the momentum of a bolder rolling downhill.

The actions of the "Bikers to D.C." have already spawned a long absent furor of action that has been missing since 2010.  We should support the "bikers" and similar groups now being organized.  But we should keep the movement free of politicians.  We should let the politicians know that we are determined to take back our country by taking back our government, and that they are the enemy.  We should let them know that they've had years to fight for us, and they have instead seen fit to ignore us and insult us.

We should let them know that we are upset, and we will fight to our last breath to rid our government of them.  And anyone who betrays us after we help get them elected will be visited with our wrath in their very next election campaign.

Massie sig
        Mychal Massie

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