In The Event Of “Possible” Government Tyranny, People Are Now Banding Together Nationwide


I've heard people say that they think we’re “lucky” that we have not had an attempted “takeover” of this country by a wannabe dictator. And current events taking place in the Obama Regime (including the fact that he has surrounded himself with Islamists and Marxist operatives), as well as the attempt to disarm law abiding citizens has people no longer just taking our freedom for granted. It seems that comfortable complacency in the minds of many in this country has become a thing of the past.
A wise man once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And while I personally don’t believe in luck, I definitely believe in the value of preparation. In the event that OUR Government ever tries to take over this country by force, We The People better be prepared.
Americans have often wondered what would happen if they were ever threatened by a Tyrannical takeover by the government, and concern over such a thing happening has skyrocketed over the past 5 years in the minds of many Americans.
There is nothing “illegal” about Americans preparing for the possibility. And no matter who the “Leader” is in the White House, it is something that needs to be addressed because the “possibility” of some wannabe dictator wanting to take over this country exists and has always existed. This is why the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution the way they did.
Most of us don’t even know much about our own Constitution and the reasoning and brilliance behind its development. Read the Federalist Papers and other writings from our Founders; they knew we would want to move towards socialism, and so they wrote the Constitution the best they could to prevent that.
We need an independent network that can’t be switched off, though. You know as soon as there is any kind of real uprising, all civilian communications will be stopped (or at least monitored) to make regrouping difficult.
Well, one thing is for sure: Americans are hearing talk in various reports, and word has it at least 85% of our military would be behind the people if the people have exhausted all legal means available and/or are ever in a position to have to overthrow a “tyrannical government.” (Here’s an idea for any wannabe kings: don’t try to rule by “tyranny”, and you have nothing to worry about).
Did you all check out the 1.2 million bikers and other Patriots (the numbers now connected are growing each new day) who converged on DC on 9/11? They have taken upon the task of exchanging contact info with each other in order to come together at any given moment in the event that tyrannical evil tries to take over our country. Oh, and 99% of the law enforcement agencies along the way not only gave them escorts to and from, but also took the time to cheer them on along the way!
I believe that is one of the reasons for the attempted “division” in this country. People see it for what it is and have been wanting to join together as a result, but didn’t know where to begin. Now, that problem has been solved. One more thing that was discussed among the Patriots/Bikers: there’s a reason why all communication has become digital. Digital can be shut down, but keep in mind that the MANY old methods of communicating cannot.
Hopefully, the American people will never have to take this kind of action; but at least now they would stand a chance of remaining free in the event of such a thing happening.

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