EXTREME DANGER*************

 by Art Phillips

ATTENTION!  This one you simply have to watch, if you believe we do not have a tyrannical government, well, my friend think again.  Just watch the faces on some of the legislators in this, these peop…

DICTATOR! well that is exactly what Congress has set up Obama as!

Yesterday Obama "waved" yes I said WAVED the part of the Constitution that makes aiding 

and abetting our enemies TREASON.  This is according to what I picked up from the Blaze.  If 

we allow this, well I don't have to tell anyone what that truly means.  Those who do not call their 

representatives on this ...and "scream" for Obama to be impeached for treason against our 

country, please remove yourself from my friends list.  This act, just so Obama can deliver 

weapons to our greatest foreign enemies, will spell the end of the Constitution.  Any 

Congressman who goes along with or simply lets this pass is as guilty of treason as Obama.  

People this CAN NOT be allowed!  What are you going to do?

ATTENTION!  This one you simply have to watch, if you believe we do not have a tyrannical 

government, well, my friend think again.  Just watch the faces on some of the legislators in this, 

these people are laughing at you, the American citizen who elected their sorry asses to office!  

If you don't get it you are just about as dumb as a stump!


See More

GUNS (Virtual State of the Union 2013)


In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk 

about gun control rather than crime control...

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