The "climate" is changing alright, but it's not the weather, Americans.
 Our government has been taken over by changers who have no conscience in saying anything, no matter how false, to advance their agenda on fooled, unknowledgeable, non listening, non examining Americans. The deceivers have spent a lot of time telling their fooled not to listen to other voices but theirs.  The rise of the lies is why.  Trained to reject any other voices, their first response is to defend the lie and not examine the truth, even when common sense may reveal the words spoken do not match what they witness with their own eyes and ears.   They have also watched their "leader" mock people and organizations who point out his falsehoods; hence, we see that example fuse throughout their base as they robotically "follow their leader's lead." The deceivers give their base just enough "goodies" to keep them happy, following, defending, and expecting more and more. The deceivers make sure to blame others whenever needed, deflecting any accountability to themselves.

All the "curtains" of deception are being brought down.  All the resources are being utilized: government agencies, main stream media, courts, colleges/universities, scientific communities, local and state positions, high-profile people, and capitalizing on any event that can be manipulated to advance the deception and any item on their "change list" that will get them closer to the America they seek to rebuild for a marginalized power over all of us and the new world order they often speak of.

The enemy is among us and is large .... and is spreading its poison of deceit.... and is taking in many more as the lies are let loose into the minds and hearts of many each day.  Aided by so many with their own motives to allow this deception, we are losing the ability to shut down the machine of terror within our own government. As they gain control over so much in our lives, even with their ploys to control the internet, even our speaking here would be threatened.  Now we are monitored and watched.  Soon, if not addressed, we will not be able to even submit thoughts or opinions.  The only information to be shared could soon be only what they want you to know and think. Already they are ignoring the laws they want and using the laws they need.

The checks and balances the Founders placed in for our protection have disappeared and those people throughout are choosing their own advancement and power and wealth over their oaths to protect and defend our laws, our rights, our freedoms, our future.  Who will rally in the war within for America? It will take more than protests to return this nation to its founding laws and protection.  It will take unity and ONE VOICE of freedom.  We have seen the response when these traitors have been challenged strong and openly.  The battle is now. They sit in seats of power that no longer uphold the law for all. They hold the cards of power, given to them by fooled voters, acts of voter fraud and now the addition of millions of illegal immigrant voters.

There's a battle ahead, an ugly battle. May God have mercy on us.

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