Are Alternate Realities Real ?

10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Alternate Realities Are Real

In one universe you are reading an article on WhatCulture. On another, WhatCulture doesn’t exist, and neither does this article. In another the article does, but the internet doesn’t, and it’s being published on stone tablets. If you live in that universe, you should probably be paying attention to the eight-legged dino-spiders that are roaming the scorched Earth you call home. The concept of alternate realities s one that’s appeared in science fiction throughout history, but it’s one of those sci-fi concepts that might actually have some basis in reality.
Human technology is bringing about the likes of robots and AI like you see in film and books, but apparently we’re already living out this particular trope. Scientific theories about multiple universes have been floating about for decades, and people actually take them seriously! It’s difficult to get people on board with “rational” investigations into other fringe and supernatural phenomena, but no less than Brian Cox has chatted about this thing. Brian Cox.
Quantum mechanics, different planes of existence, and a hammer that nobody can identify a time for are all compelling pieces of evidence that prove alternate realities are real. In this universe, anyway.

 The Many Worlds Theory

All the way back in 1957, the physicist Hugh Everett provided a theory of multiple realities that took in quantum mechanics, suggesting all possible alternate histories and futures are real within their own worlds. It could be a lot more complicated than that, but the version that most will understand is that there are a large – possibly infinite – number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past occurred in some other reality.
The formula was expanded upon and popularised by the many worlds theory of Bryce Seligman DeWitt, and is just one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It’s the best known, however, and the one with the most scientific basis backing it up, built as it is on existing accepted theories. As much as a sci-fi concept as alternate realities are, the many worlds theory is actually one of the more mainstream ideas in science, despite seeming weird and fringe. Continue Reading ....HERE

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