'' Where making money is the prevalent sentiment....The element of moral and ethical principles are void and none existent ''
(business is about making money and ethics is an impediment to success)
Old wisdom for business

'' Thus what happens when society places precedence upon the quest and hording of excess materialistic/monetary or economical gains, as opposed to building upon the principles of necessity, moral and ethical values and principles....Ultimately such societies are build upon mud!. ''

Darius Radmanesh

World Will Now Witness A Series Of Devastating Collapses, Massive Financial Destruction And Total Chaos

March 14 – (King World News) – In the movies, an edgy musical score is an effective tool that warns the audience something really bad is about to happen.  Like the shrill screech in Psycho, certain sound effects forebode impending doom. In like manner, economics also has a similar warning sign of imminent market chaos….

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