No Longer Two

No matter where you go upon this world,
The Christian that you meet is one with you;
The differences you have are soon unfurled
As children of the Lord no longer two.
Now one in mind and heart and spirit dwell,
The faith you have in Jesus is your bond;
Such unity in love you both can tell,
So manifested from our Father donned.
As Christ shows us compassion, we should, too,
And we with one another be as He;
Now strengthened for the task we're called to do,
To share the gospel truth for all to see.
Show mercy, grace and love to all you meet;
A brother now, or later saved so sweet.
Be ye all of one mind,
having compassion one of another,
love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous

1 Peter 3:8 KJV

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