Round Them Up And Throw A Rope Around Them All

Nixon and Obama

President Richard Nixon was forced to resign because 18 1/2 minutes were missing from his White House recorder.
Now compare that to Hillary Clinton's missing emails and the missing and now found emails from the IRS investigation.
And, what about the emails that Attorney General Holder has held back from the congress concerning Fast and Furious?
Based on the "Nixon Standard" everyone from the President OBAMA on down to the janitor should resign and possibly be thrown in jail.

Republicans Are Their Own Worst Enemies

Republicans are their own worst enemies. They have a moral compass, something Democrats are devoid of.
When a Republican gets caught at something they resign out of shame, but Democrats have no shame and deny everything, go on as if nothing has happened.
Democrats use this Achilles Heel every chance they get.

God and Man - Who Do You Trust?

You know, people many years ago said that God will make bad things happen and the world would come to an end.
Well, I think if you put an idea like this in man's holiest of books and give him enough time, he'll eventually do it himself

Hillary Clinton Knee Deep in the Muslim Brotherhood

This is a very important article revealing important facts of Hillary Clinton's involvement with the Terrorist group the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.
These revelations could explain why the Democrat Party is throwing her Presidential bid under the bus.
This will also open your eyes to the Pay-for-Play setup using the Clinton Foundation as a front for international payoffs to both Bill and Hillary.

The Obama Follow-Through

World leaders now know that OBAMA doesn't follow-through.
Just like his golf swing he never finishes.
All around the world where OBAMA interfered with his wireless social media revolution, leaders who were forced out refrained momentarily out of fear of "the follow-through" which never came.
Egypt's military took Egypt back after noticing the absence of a follow-through. So, they kicked out the terrorist group backed personally by OBAMA/Clinton, the MUSLIM Brotherhood.
It all really started in IRAN when he tried to overthrow their terrorist government.
That ended in a disaster with many killed and wounded. Again, OBAMA leaving everyone hanging, while waiting for his follow-through.
And we can't forget LIBYA that's turned into a living hell after he had a reformed terrorist overthrown for a ISIS invasion.
I could bring up Iraq and Syria being taken over by ISIS but that would be piling on, wouldn't it.
OBAMA kicked out the Ukraine's Russian backed President. PUTIN knew OBAMA wouldn't follow-through so he invaded.
See what I'm getting at, the man can't finish and the world knows it.
So, from now on, what he does world leaders don't take serious because there's never a follow-through.

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