We all know America & the rest of the World id deeply immersed in CHAOS & if you’re even a Casual Observer you can See the Trend Line and a Strategy, that at least for some of us is “Self Evident” ….This is all  be design & it’s Simply nothing but a game to the Elites  who Rule & Control us….They have actually convinced the “Multitudes Of  Brainwashed Idiots” they even have a choice….Think about it, some people actually believe there is a difference between the “Good Old Boys” in both of our Political Parties …..They even believe we still have Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of The Press, Freedom Of Religion & that our VOTE actually Matters…..Wow ! What A Concept….What are they SMOKING????

We have been led down the Yellow Brick Road but for one reason to serve the MASTERS who control us …This is the Final Chapter & the Pages are being WRITTEN as we Sit & Wonder  or Ponder our Existence…Pretending all the While , we have a CHOICE…..

Let’s be honest here, this country is EVERY BIT as Socialistic as Any in EUROPE….. This is a COMMUNIST STATE in its infancy, we are being Reincarnated as a MARXIST country & we are seemingly split between the I don’t give a damn & the I give a damn CROWD….Let’s be honest here the GOAL was to CREATE a WELFARE STATE….And make everyone a Slave to the Mother-Ship STATE…..Freeloaders, welfare, food stamps, health care, schools & the Propaganda are all controlled by this GOVERNMENT….And we are going to stop this PLAN & DO WHAT? Take Control & make our own choices??? GOOD LUCK…
LEADERSHIP is this WORLDS PROBLEM …..Now we have plenty of Leaders but NO GOOD ONES…… All our Pied Pipers are in bed with the Same EVIL…..Think about it for a second, where  is Mr. Charming or Mr. Charisma that will become our Field GENERAL & take the fight to the EVIL that controls us…Who is it that will step forward give us SOLUTIONS for OBAMACARE, IMMIGRATION, MUSLIMS & Everyday Dreams For QUALITY OF LIFE….

You know we don’t hold this GOVERNMENT full of CROOKS accountable for anything….They RIGGED the game with the “Cloak of Secrecy & “….We said nothing, did nothing & pretended it was BUSINESS AS USUAL….Well, it is BUSINESS AS USUAL  , but it’s because we ALLOWED it….And so we’re smarter now, we’ve learned from our MISTAKES & all will be well? Well this HOLLYWOOD ENDING ain’t happening….These PEOPLE will NOT give up their POWER, without a BLOODY FIGHT….That is what the MUSLIMS are for…to do their DIRTY WORK…
But we are apparently too fearful or too dumb to stop this TRAIN-WRECK…but that’s JUST MY OBSERVATION……I hope I’m wrong…

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