"The Two Weeks That Was"

"HANDS UP!! DON'T SHOOT!!!" We hear this being said
At the hands of the police two African American men are dead
It's a full war on law enforcement officers. They are under attack
They are painted with a charge of racism by those who are black

Two cities in America explode with much anger and plenty of indignation
Grand Juries refuse to return indictments. People demand an explanation
Was racial animus the motivating factor? Many people believe it to be so
But where is the evidence of this?? There is none as far as we know

But the race agitators whip people into a frenzy. Protests increase
Our country again is paralyzed by race. Will we ever begin to see peace?
We understand people's anger. But to a quick judgement we mustn't rush
It is totally unfair to paint all local law enforcement with a racial brush

But Sharpton will continue to demagogue and have Obama's ear
And then there is Farrakhan lurking around. There is so much to fear 
Against this background we have fools like a Mayor DeBlasio
He is influenced to a great extent by Reverend Al. What a carnival show!

We have become a siciety so mired in politics correctness. Will it ever cease?
What I would like to see is a full war on crime not on the Police
What we saw in the video was most troubling. That is an undeniable fact
But what is far worse is when we lose our damn heads and overreact

Are there 'bad apples' in Police Departments? I would be a fool to say no
There are guidelines in place to deal with them. That I surely know
It is despicable to hold all law enforcement to such scorn as we now see
It's gotten to the point where there's little respect for lawful authority

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