I grew up in the 60’s & with that in mind, I can tell you I have SEEN more than my share of PROTESTS…..You know Vietnam and the Draft….IMO at least those issues were real and affected THOUSANDS of people & Families….But come on now, these faux , fake, trumped up reasons have very little legitimacy…if any! But it has everything to do with Corruption & Politics…..

It would seem we pretty much have a MOB RULES MENTALITY  & the MEDIA & this CORRUPT GOVERNMENT control the Narrative, the Optics & Manipulate the OUTCOME to their FAVOR….TRUTH , “heaven forbid” has absolutely no place in this….

If you listened to the Political Spin Machine’s you’d swear there is an OVERT CONSPIRACY to RID this country or this world of EVERY ETHNIC COLOR except WHITE…They Imply there’s a BOUNTY  for BLACKS…..

Let’s get real here 98% of ARRESTS in this country are for the DUMB BAD ACTORS who have chosen a WAY OF LIFE…..A life of CRIME…Have we gotten to the POINT in this CULTURE that if you are WHITE, CHRISTIAN, EDUCATED, WILLING TO WORK, RESPONSIBLE with some MORAL CHARACTER you should feel so GUILTY that you’d give up everything …life, limb, happiness & your FUTURE for those Pathetically STUPID PARASITES…… Well if you listened to the not-so Reverend AL SHARPTON, JESSIE JACKSON, ERIC HOLDER & BARRY…I should feel so ashamed of my countries past, what our GREAT, GREAT GRANDDADS did, that I should go out & BLOW my BRAIN out with a ILLEGAL gun….But not before giving all that I was to the PARASITES….. Isn’t it about time that we faced an unpleasant truth that MANY (not all) of those LOWER INCOME PEOPLE & not just BLACKS go into the” LIFE OF CRIME “ because that’s the ONLY opportunity left for those who had Little or No PARENTING…..Garbage in Garbage out….Monkey see monkey do…

But what baffles me is that TOO MANY PEOPLE BOUGHT THE LIE…..or PROPAGANDA……It is all BS…Those who control us want to slice, dice, fold & manipulate EVERYTHING….Again this is not about the DOWN-TRODDEN ,it’s about GAINING & HOLDING POWER COMPLETELY….And APPARENTLY, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE STUPID because no one is willing to tell the truth…..about anything….Those who call us HATERS or RACISTS are bigger HATERS & RACISTS than all of us…..BUT they got FILTHY RICH doing it…..

If you want to EXPOSE this CANCER look no further than this CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, THE MEDIA & FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL……This Song & Dance Show you see broadcast out of Washington DC 24/7   is really nothing but a SATANIC RITUAL…. Satan is no Feasting on his SPOILS….  

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