Outrageous! US to Legislate Who Can Be a Journalist [video]

Now that we’re all clear that there is no democracy, here’s a video on that story I shared yesterday.
Yes, the old US of A government is true to their nature and deciding what is, what isn’t, who is, who isn’t, and when—arbitrarily. No matter who opposes, they just go ahead and do it anyway—if it suits them and their special interest groups, preserves their secrecy and underhanded ways, puts money in their pocket, or makes it easier for them to squash civil liberties with their iron fist.
Won’t it be wonderful when all these insane rules are abandoned in favour of the one rule; the Golden Rule, and we are truly free for the first time EVER??!!! I can’t wait.

A Senate panel approved a measure defining a journalist, which had been an obstacle to broader media shield legislation designed to protect reporters and the news media from having to reveal their sources.  Charlie McGrath provides analysis.

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