DC Navy Yard shooting

Reblogged from Social Ignorance

First of all, I would like to extend my condolences to the victim's families. It is always sad to hear of American citizens being killed. My prayers go out to everyone who has been affected.

Now, after reviewing many articles about this "mass shooting", I have some questions.

If you haven't seen the video of the news reporter about to interview a "supposed" witness, then I suggest everyone to take a look at it. Now why in the hell would anything be funny right after such an event? That witness should still be in some sort of shock or fear from witnessing an event like that. I don't understand how he could be laughing and then talking so carelessly. (Also how a badge magically appeared round his neck between the two scenes.)

Another question is, how come every time a major announcement in the world is made, a "mass shooting" occurs in the United States? The announcement was that of the official report of chemical weapons being used in Syria from the United Nations. I find it pretty weird that this event happens around the same time the UN announces that sarin gas was used but in no way places blame or hints as to who is responsible. Hmmm could this be another ploy to change Americans focus from the failure of the current administration to start a war and back to taking our 2nd amendment rights? I mean seriously, how is it that a guy goes into a naval shipping yard near WASHINGTON DC with weapons and shoots up the place? The White House is literally right down the road... seriously? Also, I read reports of them saying he had an AR-15 (who cares what kind of semi-auto rifle was used?), a shotgun and a handgun when he made the attack. Wow, does that not sound like media propaganda to spark another debate about the 2nd amendment? 

How the hell were news articles being published about the incident on Sept. 15 2013 at 11:30 PM when the incident did not even happen until Sept 16 2013? That makes no sense at all. How the hell did they even have pictures of this? The media does not have a crystal ball... or maybe they do?

What is also funny, during a report on fox news, the police stated that there was possibly two more gunmen on the loose. One was a white male wearing short sleeves, tan khaki pants and a beret with a handgun and another was a man wearing an olive drab military uniform with a long "gun". So, you are telling me that with all the cameras, drones, and security protocols in Washington (our f ing capitol) that no one can pin point them? But we can listen to every single phone call and read every email in this country but can't spot two gunmen within miles of the capital?

Witnesses being interviewed who saw the gunman and saw the shooting showed no signs of distress or ptsd or any emotion what so ever. When asked if they could describe the gunman neither witness described the clothes he had on, all they could say was he was a tall black man with a rifle. 

Another thing is that on Sept 13 Al Q ae da calls for attacks within the borders of the United States.

Sept 19 the DHS has scheduled an active shooter drill in Washington. Coincidence? You know what else is strange, the day of the Boston Bombings, there was a bomb drill scheduled in the same area!

Do what you want with this evidence or say what you want. But things are really starting to look fishy...

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