Raw Footage of Russia Unleashing HELL on the Muslim Terrorists Who Killed Their Pilot

Several videos of pure Hell Fire Unleashed....

While Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Putin, in his own style, sent a gift to the Turkmen who killed his pilot: hell, fire, and brimstone coming from all directions—land, air, and sea.

The gift was not limited to the killers, but also included all their relatives and associates as well: anyone with the affiliation of Turkmen.

Now you can watch (see second raw footage below) the joy of the Turkmen crying Allahu Akbar. Muslims yell this slogan, even when they are on the receivingend. The second video is titled "Fearsome: Russia Shells Turkmen Mountain."

It is one thing to hear that the Russians are ticked off, but it is another thing to watch how Russians 'just go boom'. Here is the sending end:

Russia kept its word on its warning that "all potentially dangerous targets will be destroyed," which Russia's Defense Ministry announced.

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” The astonishing ignorance, selfishness, and contempt for American constitutional values"


These things I command you, that ye love one another.

John 15:17 KJV

No simpler command there is than love,

Yet look at all the hate we've had since then,

As if we don't know what He's speaking of

Or it's impossible, beyond our ken.

Just for today I beg you take this test

That all you meet is Jesus in disguise.

No matter what they do, how they're expressed

They really are the Savior synthesized.

You must love everyone, not just pretend;

This is the reason why you still are here.

The Lord put you together for this end:

So you can share His love, each one endear.

It doesn't matter if they love you back.

Your job is just to love without feedback.

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We Win, They Lose

It’s hard to think of any other way to characterize the off-year elections results across the nation, than that the rejection of liberalism and progressivism continues unabated. Races across the country, and even some key social-issue elections, don’t portend well for those on the left of the political spectrum.

The Left: We truly are living in George Orwell World

Christianity, Western History Deemed “Incredibly Offensive” 

Our own heritage is considered to be “incredibly offensive” by the leftist ruling class:

A religious-freedom advocacy group has filed its second grievance in as many weeks with the Army, again demanding that imagery featuring a red crucifix be removed from Army signage — and this time, insisting the aviation unit involved change its logo and its nickname.

We truly are living in George Orwell World. By “religious-freedom advocacy,” they mean “devoted to the eradication of Christianity.”

Great-Grandson Of Winston Churchill:

‘We Are In 1938 Again’ 
“If Churchill were on Twitter today, he would be shouting against this deal with Iran and saying that this is the second most unwise thing we have ever done, the first being allowing Hitler to rise,” Sir Winston Churchill’s great-grandson Jonathan Sandys tells The Daily Caller. “And he would be warning the world to sit up and wake up.”

Jonathan Sandys

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action adopted by the United States, United Kingdom, China, France, the Russian Federation, and Germany with the Islamic Republic of Iran gives the sworn enemy of Israel the privilege of doing business with the U.S. provided they promise to tame their nuclear program. Implementation begins in early 2016.

We can learn a thing or two from Prime Minister Churchill about contending with manipulative powers bent on global subjugation. A flesh and blood legacy of the World War II champion whom he knows as Great-Grandpapa, Sandys is committed to informing the world of the most vital and yet mostly omitted part of Churchill’s life: his faith.

There is ample documentation that Churchill’s convictions stemmed from belief in Jesus Christ and the revealed Word, belief instilled in him by his devoted nanny Elizabeth Everest and strengthened as he overcame secular fallacies and near death experiences in his youth. But Churchill’s Christianity is usually ignored, perhaps because he doesn’t fit neatly into a denominational box, and, as Sandys suggests, because some “don’t want to consider the possibility” that Churchill was “a man of faith.” Traditional caricatures of the half-American, war-correspondent-turned-statesman haven’t helped.

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY Headlines: "WaPo’s Gerson: Time to Confront Not Just Trump But His Followers As Well"




POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY : "Everything Up a For Grabs On This Day!!" Hey!! It's Black Friday!! COME ONE! COME ALL!!!


POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY : "Playing Politics With Another Tragic Occurrence"


POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY : George Mason Co-author of the Second Amendment during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788:


POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY : "Battered By Liberalism!" Behold 'Liberal Intolerance'!!


The outspoken Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson Tells Hannity about "radical Islam"

Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson had one clear message when asked why the administration has trouble labeling radical Islam for what it is.

Giving Thanks

Today is a day of celebration and reflection. We give thanks for our good fortune in these times of uncertainty and turmoil.  Thanks for this site and the people that participate, a conformation of our beliefs and our hope and desires for the future. Hope for our nation and thankful to those actively fighting to maintain our freedoms and sovereignty.
One of our brothers in arms has had fate interrupt his efforts to revitalize patriotism as the ideology which maintains our freedoms and stop his efforts to protect the integrity of our voting system.

As we give thanks for our health and well-being please consider supporting the efforts his daughter is making on his behalf.  Help a patriot activist working to protect your vote in 2016 win his battle with cancer.    Please visit the page Heather has created for her father    Yes I will
Thank you,

Joseph DeNello

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Give Thanks

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

The Syrian Refugees Problem :

Is the United States REALLY going to do this even though history says we should not? 


Tired of weak Republicans who campaign as conservatives but vote like Democrats? WE NEED TO TAKE OUR PARTY BACK.  We need to elect real conservative leaders, not just campaigners with their side-show and scripted, nice sounding lines during campaigns.  Too many Americans make their choices based on who makes them feel good or gives the one liners that tell them what their "itching ears" want to hear. With their pockets full of donor money or their own, campaign ads are generated with the expertise of marketing experts to sway and swoon and grab the emotions.  They LEAVE OUT their real records and admissions of votes for bills they said they would fight. Time and time again, we have watched the Republicans, with the exception of a few brave souls, bow down to the wants of the democratic president and their party.

Why would a party that claims a different view give the democrats what they want time and again? They play the "fool the American" game of politics.  Some have deals that give them more wealth. Many give their donors their wishes. Some even cast a vote that will benefit a friend or family member in some way. They even work hardest to promote their "gang members" as their elections near, even having them cast "good" votes knowing full well the rest not up for election will make the votes for the real desired outcome.

When you allow the "club members" to be in seats of power decade after decade, the web of connections for personal gain covers the party and traps many.  Their pride overrides their conscience.  Their pride blinds them to the people back home and how it effects their lives. They become specialized players making decisions and choices that benefit the "club," and outside party members are empty vessels only swooned and "wined and dined" with a buffet of well calculated messages and promises that they never intend to fulfill.  The CLUB is first and foremost their anchor of self-advancement, power and wealth.

If WE are to be served by leaders who put us first, then we must elect people with proven histories of helping people, keeping law, exposing corruption, standing up for truth, and uniting for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its security, law, and sustainment. To attain this goal, WE must remove the club leaders and replace them with people who come from the bowls of daily living under their cold, dark hearts without conscience. And then we must replace them often, less they, too, become spiders in the web of deceit and power and wealth.

Democrats need to radically take their party back, too, but they've gone so far left and been so hypnotized to stroking and freebies and handouts and flatterings, and taught to dislike anyone who would offer another opinion or choice for the nation. The dividing leaders of their party have separated them out from their fellow citizens and mesmerized them to look at party leaders as elevated, idol stars. Dazed, just a little crumb dropped becomes gold if it was given by their dreamy leaders...... stars of the "faded"red, white and blue in their "shows" of power.

The trusting American makes choices based on WHO makes them feel "good," or on party name alone, and even some by the color of skin or gender.  Those choices are straws without foundation, without substance for giving individuals the job to represent their best interest in government workings. WHO ARE THEY? Have they been consistent in their former leadership roles?  Fair?  Truth tellers? Defenders of truth? Defenders of the Constitution that protects you from government rule and power over you? Have they lied to you?  Have people been hurt under their leadership? Are you more prosperous, have opportunities for advancement in your choices? ARE YOU STILL FREE TO MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES, TO SPEAK, TO BEAR ARMS, TO WORSHIP AS YOU CHOOSE?

Time is WAY PAST DUE to STOP ELEVATING these politicians like they are your Sugar Daddies or your saviors.  They are to be SERVANTS, HUMBLE SERVANTS who are grateful for your trust in them and who show you their gratitude every day they go into the chamber to work.... TO WORK FOR YOUR BENEFIT AND THE NATION'S BENEFIT ALONE.

As a living, legal, free citizen in America, YOU MUST PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS, DEFEND YOUR FREEDOMS AND SEND ANY ONE HOME who does not put YOU in front of all decisions and votes they will make. ANY ONE.  ANY PARTY.  ANY COLOR OF SKIN.  ANY GENDER.  ANY ONE.


Happy Thanksgiving 2015 :

Happy Thanksgiving From All Of Us Here At Friends Of Liberty,
Voices for the Unborn,
The Realistic Observer and Persecution Unveiled Cause
And if your traveling over this Thanksgiving Holiday ,may the Lord see you safely to your destination. 

Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European settlements in America, it was not until the 1860s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a national holiday.

And Associate Authors


Kenneth Bowers

Joseph DeNello


Darius Radmanesh

Walter Whiteman

Betsy Ross

Jane Redmond

Joe Esposito

Jim Maerk

Greg Pollitt

Beth Schoeneberg

Patricia Dowling

Jay T Harding

Dee Fatouros

Joseph DeNello

Darius Radmanesh

Buckeye nut

Robby Bowling

Janet Mackley

John Morrison

Terry Noble

Contributing Columnist
Rodney Eccles

Public Relations Friends Of Liberty Group
Janet Mackley
Kay Sellati
Carol Pitts Palmer
Mary Ann Curry

Thanksgiving Song

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 "And In HILLARYLAND....." 

On Spiritual Maturity

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

John 16:12 KJV

When you were born you could not handle meat:

You had no teeth to chew, your stomach frail.

You had to start with milk, so warm and sweet,

And then work up to solid food in scale.

Don't take up calculus if you can't count,

Don't write a book if you can't spot a noun.

The heavy doctrine truths aren't tantamount

To learning how your sins can drag you down.

If Jesus told you things you could not bear

Your soul would be too feeble to digest.

The Holy Ghost guides teachers to prepare

The food of Spirit that you can ingest.

Don't be afraid to ask, but don't forget,

The Savior may tell you “Not now; not yet.”

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"I'm Not Afraid!!"

 Barack is acting courageous. Has he finally grown a pair?? That, fellow patriots, is an impossibility He tells us that we should not be afraid of the barbaric scum he once referred to as the JV No matter the recent bloodshed we have recently seen he still feels he has ISIS contained He insists he does have a strategy. A strategy that he has not yet fully explained Let the displaced Syrians cross out borders is what we hear him say. 

It is his latest and curious stratagem But we are not to be concerned at all about the savage terrorists that could very well be among them? You might wonder if he is capable to show any anger or rage other than to his political opponents, the woeful GOP For them he has such endless hatred. He displays it on foreign soil. He acts so shamelessly The Democrats and the media help him spread the invective against the Republicans. 

It is disgusting and repulsive But their venom is far worse if you happen to be a Conservative In a world gone thoroughly mad we as a nation cannot unified and speak with one voice For when you are ruled by a tyrant you really have little choice This divide and conquer tactics he has perfected to an art. He has learned this so very well from his mentor, Saul Alinsky He will not relent until he destroys the America we so love. 

We see it done so overtly and blatantly Everything is seen through the prism of political correctness. It will be the death of us all It seems as if everyone is heeding the meaning of the Paris massacre. For our President it should be a wake up call Obama is less of a Commander and more of a slobbering egg headed Professor How he and the rest of the loony Left cannot say the words, 'ISLAMIC TERROR' The President cannot even agree with us on the most important issue of our time.

 How odd and very strange We see terrorism as our greatest threat. And for Obama?? It's climate change!!

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 Obama to ISIS: "I'm Not Afraid!!" 

 Barack is acting courageous. Has he finally grown a pair?? That, fellow patriots, is an impossibility He tells us that we should not be afraid of the barbaric scum he once referred to as the JV No matter the recent bloodshed we have recently seen he still feels he has ISIS contained He insists he does have a strategy.

 A strategy that he has not yet fully explained Let the displaced Syrians cross out borders is what we hear him say. It is his latest and curious stratagem But we are not to be concerned at all about the savage terrorists that could very well be among them? You might wonder if he is capable to show any anger or rage other than to his political opponents, the woeful GOP For them he has such endless hatred. He displays it on foreign soil. 

He acts so shamelessly The Democrats and the media help him spread the invective against the Republicans. It is disgusting and repulsive But their venom is far worse if you happen to be a Conservative In a world gone thoroughly mad we as a nation cannot unified and speak with one voice For when you are ruled by a tyrant you really have little choice This divide and conquer tactics he has perfected to an art. He has learned this so very well from his mentor, Saul Alinsky He will not relent until he destroys the America we so love. We see it done so overtly and blatantly Everything is seen through the prism of political correctness. 

It will be the death of us all It seems as if everyone is heeding the meaning of the Paris massacre. For our President it should be a wake up call Obama is less of a Commander and more of a slobbering egg headed Professor How he and the rest of the loony Left cannot say the words, 'ISLAMIC TERROR' The President cannot even agree with us on the most important issue of our time. How odd and very strange We see terrorism as our greatest threat. And for Obama?? It's climate change!!

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Rodney Eccles On The Presidential candidates

What I like and do not like about each candidate running for President. Do you agree?
Rod Eccles

The Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

Reuters national poll: Trump Leading the Pack

Lots of chirping about this on social media even though it’s an online poll and appears to be a survey of adults, not likely voters. But what the heck, I’ll blog it. The trend, at least, is interesting.







A FEW GOOD PATRIOTS : A Letter From An Unknown Marine .

Just an Old Marines Point of View.

I understand the frustration, the anger, and the outrage about what’s going on in Washington – how both Republicans and Democrats have sold out the American people and stripped us of so many of our rights.
But I cannot sit back and let the country I love – the country so many American Patriots fought and died for – slip into absolute tyranny.

That’s why I’m asking you to create a network of Patriots like yourself, who will fight for and defend our Constitution and our way of life by joining our friends and neighbors, block by block, town by town, state by state, and yes nation by nation to make a real difference.

I will not bow down to this tyranny. I will not accept any other way of life.

What this country needs is a Commander-in-Chief that will step up. We do not need any more community organizers. We need someone that will “talk the talk and walk the walk”. We need a real leader.
We need politicians that will step up. We do not need politicians that say one thing then do another when in office.

We claim that we are the defenders of liberty. It is time for this nation to step up and take the lead in the fight against terror. We have the might, the resources, and the manpower to do this. All we lack is the ambition and leadership. ( Oh, we might hurt somebodies feelings)

The only answer that we can have in order to ensure peace and stability to our nation and the world is to have an efficient, well trained, well-armed, armed forces that co-operates well together with other nations, ready to jointly carry out key stabilization, peace or humanitarian missions. We need to do away with the UN and their third world” oh poor us attitudes”. We need to do away with this rules of engagement bull. You try to harm our way of life we will destroy yours.

My forefathers, my sons, my son-in-law’s and myself have fought for this nation and I will not give up on our way of life just to be politically correct.

If need be my family and myself will pick up and bear arms again to defend the Constitution and our nation against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

For God, family, country, and our flag of freedom we pledge our honor, our lives and our fortunes ( whether large or small). We will NOT be the generation that stood by and watched this nation disappear into the dusty pages of history. We need to get on our knees and pray that God forgive us for allowing immorality and complacency to replace our vigilance and dependence on Him. Now get up off your knees, lock & load, and unite with your fellow Americans to defeat this tyrannical administration. Thanks, Marine and Semper Fi!

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