We are out of time : Stand Up For America

We can grumble about it or we can take a stand. Forget that the clock is ticking, America. We are out of time. Send a message. "I Think It’s Time For A Second Independence Day- July 6th Might Work"

I Think It’s Time For A Second Independence Day- July 6th Might Work

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. — The Declaration of Independence, Signed July 4, 1776

We don’t need to abolish our government, the framework is as solid as ever.  Maybe a little rust in a couple places, but nothing that can’t be easily fixed.
But we sure as hell need to alter the attitudes of the people running it.  They’ve forgotten they’re supposed th be there to represent the American People, not a host of big money special interest groups.  For all practical purposes John Boehner, John Boehner shout be required to register as a lobbyist for the multinational corporations that gave him over five million dollars during a two year period,  Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan aren’t much better..
Then there the Supreme Court.  Eric Erickson of Red State had an article over on Town Hall titled Mass Hysteria in America.  He compares the situation in Washington to Mass Hysteria event in Europe:
In the 1400s, a nun in a French convent started making sounds like a cat. Other nuns began to do the same. Eventually, they started biting one another. As word of the bitings spread, so, too, did the bitings. They swept through other convents all the way to Rome.
 He goes on to say:
For many in the country, they feel compelled to board up the windows, batten down the hatches and wait for this latest round of collective hysteria to run its course.
I don’t think we can wait that long, he’s right when hes says later on, wildfires, mass hysteria and pandemics eventually run their course and burn themselves out..  but sometimes they don’t leave anything salvageable in their wake.   While we’re running around meowing, chasing mice and biting each other, our country is falling apart.  If we don’t stop it now, we will end up going the way of the ancient Roman and Greek empires.
Every now and then I get a glimmer of hope from of our conservative leaders, but it fades pretty quickly.
There was a good example, a couple weeks ago, Mark Levin declared war on John Boehner,
That sure sounded good to me.  Then I read his strategy.. which was nothing more than supporting Winteregg to oppose him in the 2016 Ohio Primary.
That’s less of a strategy Obama’s plan to degrade and eventually destroy the Islamic State.  I’d expected more from Levin.  Look how much damage Boehner and McConnell have done in just the last six months.  Can we afford another year and a half?
With just a little leadership and coordination, it would be easy to change things..
Last Sunday roughly 50,000,000 American’s attended church.  All the major denominations have been critical of the Courts homosexual marriage decision..
Suppose the central organizations each behind each of the 200 or so denominations in the United States had asked their ministers to ask their combined 200,000 or so congregations to send a strongly worded email to each of their Capitol Hill Critters, The  White House  and the News Tips email a single specified MSM outlet this morning.. (MSNBC would be perfect the entire network would meltdown)  Then Follow up with a phone call to their Senators and Representatives.
Even if only 10% of that 50,000,000 actually send the emails it would cause havoc on Capital Hill.
I’d guess only about 10% of the people who sent emails would go as far as making the phone calls, one percent would be enough to give every staffer on Capitol Hill a serious headache.  By today DC would be in a panic,  Congress would be begging the court to reconsider.
On any given day roughly the same number of people, 50,000,000 of us self- identify as conservatives..
If Levin, Limbaugh, Palin, Malkin and Beck were to announce on Friday, July 3rd, that on Monday July 5th they were going to run a dual email/phone campaign to force Congress to listen to the people, it would be easy.  By Monday Twitter, Facebook and the Websites would make sure everyone knew and with luck,  just like like the Churches one out of ten people would participate.
But this is about a lot more than Gay Marriage, it’s about making the people’s representatives listening to the people who elected them and pay their salaries.  The protest would have to go longer and farther..
Something like this:
On Monday: Remember 70% of the people who voted Republican last November wanted Boehner replaced as Speaker.  He started breaking the GOP’s campaign promise before the last of the votes were counted
For the House my emails will read:  Boehner and his leadership team go, or you do.
For the Senate:  McConnell and his Leadership team go or the GOP is toast.
Then on Tuesday July 6 :
Demand They Revoke TPA  Send emails to the Senate,  House and White House
On Wednesday July 7th:  
Demand the Government follow the law, tell Congress to give Obama an ultimatum on immigration.  It’s a criminal violation of US Immigration law for any person, including the President to aid, entice or enable an illegal to enter or remain in the United States, Obama’s in criminal violation of the law. Demand he enforce the law, or face the consequences..
By Thursday most the staffers would be calling in sick..
But continue the campaign anyway because by now the original 5.000,000 number’s growing,  when people see a protest is successful, the want to be part of it.
Time to demand Obamacare be repealed..
Might as well take a break on Friday, because Congress (and the staffers) will be hiding  in a bunker at some undisclosed locationin an undisclosed location and Obama would be licking his wounds in Hawaii..
Be ready to start all over again on Monday  As I mentioned before, typically protest movement’s grow over time.  A couple years ago everyone laughed when only a few hundred people showed up for the first day of Occupy Wall Street. Less than a month later they were in every city in the country
It would be easy for our so called conservative leaders to initiate something like this, and millions would be on board.  But for whatever reason, Levin, Limbaugh, Palin, Malkin, Beck and the rest of them,  either can’t or won’t..
So I’m thinking about the next best thing
There are hundreds of conservatives on twitter with 10,000 or more followers, dozens with 50-100,000 or more. There are 1000s of conservatives websites and probably a million conservatives on Facebook with a reach of 500 to a couple thousand. As we all know those numbers are badly inflated..  someone with 10,000 twitter followers may only have 5000 who are active, live breathing human beings. The same is true of all the social networks .
However if it’s possible to get 500,000 people to actively participate, instead of 5,000,000 it would still make a serious impression..  and as word of the protest spread the numbers would grow..and as we all know the media is going to inflate them.
So.. first of all I’m looking for opinions, Second I’m looking for people willing to spend an half hour or so a day, helping Americans reclaim America from politicians who believe the owe their allegiance to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests instead of the America, her Constitution and her people
If enough people get involved I’ll set up an extra website with a behind the scenes communication system.
It costs a fortune to set up a massive protest in Washington DC, and it’s expensive for people to travel to the Nations Capitol to participate.  Using the Internet to protest costs virtually nothing, we all pay for internet anyway.
I’m not looking for donations, unless my web server gets overloaded, which is possible but unlikely..
Please share this with anyone you think will help, It will take a lot of people to pull this off,
Thanks Folks…

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