The Balm of Gilead

Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak:
O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.
Psalm 6:2
If you are in the ocean you are wet;
Sin's in your DNA, the worst disease.
The balm of Gilead will cure you yet;
Beg mercy from the Lord, that healing breeze.
You do not have the strength to overcome
The constant draw of sin that weights your soul.
Cry out your helplessness - God's will be done,
Christ holds you up to Heaven, light and whole.
A broken bone reminds you constantly,
To take it to a doctor to be set.
Seek Christ: the Great Physician set you free;
He conquered hell and death without regret.
            Let go and let the Savior give relief
            Depend upon Him always in your grief.


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