America on the Cross

This past week the Supreme Court issued rulings on gay marriage.  This is a fundamental re-definition of marriage which could even allow polygamy in the future discussions, bestiality, pedophilia etc. Now while legally, homosexuals have every legal right by definition of the law to marry who they deem necessary, are they morally right? This is the debate that will start because it is a gateway for other groups to start pushing their agenda for equality to marry farm animals and abuse children. the real issue is when is discrimination going to hit its limit?

  When is it too much?

You see now the problems arise that people of religion who oppose gay marriage will be persecuted because of their beliefs. Which brings us back to one of the major reasons our founding fathers fought for our independence. This ruling gives equal marriage rights but it opened the door to religious persecution. We have seen the lawsuits about cake makers, and stores refusing services because of their beliefs but now if these people do not perform these services they are open to lawsuits, fines and could even force them to lose their livelihoods because of their faith.

  This country is more divided more now than ever. We see more racial tension, religious oppression, and hate against authoritative figures than ever before. The tension is rising and we are possibly on the brink of a new Civil War.  This President has done more to favor everyone except Christians and Jews and  has stated publicly that we need to change our religions to accept his views.  This is not the principals of our nation. This is only more examples of tyranny being imposed by the left and their agenda to take away God, guns, and country and replace it with My house, my rules, my word is law and that is not the American way.

Soon you will see even more of racial tensions and division. You will see persecution of religion and religious views coming to a boil inside every religious faction till they explode and erupt into issues that will rip apart this nation once again. We are seeing leaders of the Black Panther organizations threaten ISIS style attacks on "White Americans" when we should be seeing them and the NAACP preaching peace and bring the communities together attacking important issues such as drugs and poverty and senseless violence. We should have a leader of the United States leading the calm of attacks against our law enforcement and proposing a message of resolve instead of pushing persecution and racism.

  My question to you is not of whether or not gays have a right to marry or not and we aren't disputing the legality of those civil rights, but how can everyone have their cake and eat it too?

I leave you with these words from a very famous publication that should help lead us through this battle we face but remember that we are Americans. We have faced adversity, persecution, and tyranny and have persevered for over 200 years. America is a melting pot of culture, religion, races, and in reality no family gets along 100% of the time.  We have differences of opinions, we have different views but what we don't have, is the right to persecute others because they believe something different than we do. Respect your neighbors, because even though they are different, they are your brothers and sisters, and your family as Americans.  If 9/11 taught us anything is that no matter how dark the road ahead maybe, we can find the light when we unite together and embrace those differences.

Romans 14:1 "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions"

John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you"

Mathew 5.44 " Love your enemies Bless those who curse you, Do good to those who hate you and Pray for those who persecute you"


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