How can a Christian ,Catholic, or Jewish person look you straight in the face and say they are a democrat!

Let's analyze this for a moment.

Democrats are pro abortion at any stage of pregnancy, up to the live birth, just ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Democrats are pro gay marriage
Democrats are pro spending money and giving things out for free w/o any work being performed 18 Trillion in debt!

Democrats would rather enslave minorities then help them help themselves

Democrats are pro moslem, anti the Judeo-Christian God, the God of Abraham.

Democrats are not for law and order, they are for thugs running wild, killing police and white people.

Democrats are racists, just look at the president, the present and past attorney generals, the congressional black caucus ( could we have a congressional "white caucus?)

The democratic obama white house, invites racists like al sharpton over 80 times to the white house while he won't visit with the prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu!
obama and democrats are proven racists, Anti Semites, Anti Christian, Anti God, pro black africian moslem!
So how can you vote for a democrat, a liberal, a progressive and call yourself a Catholic, Christian or Jewish.
Simple answer, you can't!
Stop lying to yourself and either act according to the Bible or call yourself a worshipper of Satan aka obama aka moslem! Your votes are propping up people with no morals, no values, no accountability and making you and your talking points racists and ignorant! Look at Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, LA, San Fran, Boston and everywhere where democrats are in control and ruining the cities! Your are the problem and God is the cure, the real God, not "godbama" 

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