The Millennials' Guide to Saving the World

April 2015

 Reclaiming their nation and revitalizing the American dream is not a complicated or an unsolvable problem.
Put down the smartphones long enough to see what is happening.

An excerpt from “The Millennials' Guide to Saving the world”

You have the technology and the skills, previously unavailable to past generations, you have the ability to halt and reverse the trends that are limiting your futures.
Those of you, that see and understand the issues of today, affecting your lives and opportunities, those that see the path to influencing your future are the exception .You must reach out to your brothers and sisters, to share the truth, and motivate them to join with you; to join in the fight to regain control of your lives.
Other generations can sound the alarm, they can outline a path, but they cannot bring about the change, for their time, has come, and gone.
Millennials by your fate, by your place in history, are tasked with guiding this nation into the future.  Today’s nation belongs to you, you have the ability to shape the fabric of the nation and of your existence.
Reality, unavoidable truth:
You will live in the future you create.
You will have the government you demand.
You can take action and reap the rewards, or accept the default existence created for you, created by forces that need to suppress the individual to maintain power over the people.
It is not that complicated, and should not be hard to understand.
Chose to maintain options and free choice, or, accept what is allowed!

Only millennials have the ability to motivate other millennials,  to truly reach out and to motivate their peers. It must come from within your world.
All social and political movements have leaders.  Leaders must have a message that their people can understand, they are seen as being one with the people they would like to lead.  There is a common ground and a vision for the future.
A movement grows and gains  in strength when its leaders explain the vision and how to attain it.
Most movements are rooted in a common theme. The vision is freedom and oppression must be defeated.  There is something you want, there is something in the way of your goals and it must be removed or modified to accommodate your desires.
To do this the movement must unite, it must grow and become visible, it must put pressure on the people that have the power and are forcing something you do not agree with upon you. OR, they are withholding something that is rightfully yours from you.
Movements are about justice and freedoms.
Leadership requires presenting information about the need to act, telling others what they stand to lose or gain. Delivering the message is not enough, you have to provide facts to back up the statements; give examples that are easy to understand, analogy’s that demonstrate the message.
First you need to have the attention of your audience, this can be a daunting challenge when approaching those preoccupied with the habits of social media, and have little or no concept about the subjects a leader will need to present.
A millennial that makes the choice to become a leader within a movement of their peers, has the advantage of being accepted as one of the group, part of the culture; this will open the door to start the discussion, and is the beginning of the challenge.

Do not lose sight of the fact, you will be helping yourself, by helping others to help themselves.  Love of country and fellow man starts with the individual.

The challenge then becomes:
How do you demonstrate that ideals like the Constitution and Patriotism, seemingly out dated and almost forgotten are still relevant  and still have value?
How do you offer proof that the infrastructure which was supporting our society was being maintained by these ideals and values.
And perhaps the biggest challenge will be;  How do you gain and keep the attention of someone unconcerned and distracted?
Take your best shot and hope for the best, that’s  reality.

Present the issues at a very personal level, replace the concept of politics with that of a movement by your generation, to claim what is rightfully theirs.  This is the absolute truth and does not carry the stigma of politics.

Millennials are being robbed of the American Dream by an ideology that must suppress the freedoms and opportunities of the individual, make them dependent on the government, and control their quality of life, if that ideology is to remain in power.  This is a proven historical fact.

Another fact is that the United states is the only nation on earth to ever allow its people the freedom to participate in their governing process. This is a birth right of every American that was written into the constitution.
Perhaps the most important of these facts, easily proven with a little effort and research, is; freedom will be lost if it is not maintained!

How simple does a concept need to be before people wake up and start paying attention?    A valid question but it is the wrong line of thought.
If a leader wants to enlist people into the movement, they must show how
becoming involved will directly improve their lives.    The movement must become more important to the individual than a unproductive obsession with social media.
If the leader can accomplish this very difficult task, we will win; if not we will lose.
 Nobody likes to be lied to or manipulated, nobody likes being told they cannot have something they want, and nobody wants  to have something that is rightfully theirs withheld from them. Yet this is exactly what is happening with today’s younger  millennias. 
They have been lied to by the Democratic Party, and are continually being manipulated by the liberal, progressive, propaganda of the mainstream media. 
They want better jobs and the ability to move forward with their lives but are being told that these things are not available to them because of the economy.
 An economy that has been in a death grip by the policies and incompetence of our president and his followers since 2008.

 Each time a speech is given there is the lamenting about a lack of opportunities for the young and middle class, and a hollow, stale, promise about the need to do something; always placing blame on the republicans.
There comes a point in time when a rational person must start questioning the true motivation of the people controlling their government. 
If it seems that every policy and agenda is causing harm to the economy and the nation.
That foreign policy has proven to be destroying world stability.
If it seems enemies are being emboldened and friends betrayed.
That untold millions are being enticed to break the law with promises of entitlements in exchange for votes.
When that point in time is reached where the true citizens are placed at the end of the line, yet are expected, by their labor, to pay for the things destroying their futures; It just might be time for many to reevaluate their priorities.

Instead of working to gain “likes” on social media,  instead of being held captive by the addiction to instant self-gratification; how about waking up, realizing that you are wasting your time pursuing things that are unproductive in the real world. These activities do not advance your physical self or improve your standing in the physical world, and do nothing to increase your ability to survive.

Perhaps it is time to satisfy the habits of social media by switching from efforts of self-gratification, to using those same skills, and satisfying the same habitual needs, by focusing on self-preservation.   Self-preservation has much greater long term rewards.
Technology is about advancement, about improving the quality of life, it is about the ability to communicate with someone across the nation or across the town; technology is wasted when texting with someone sitting across from you while dining.  Your ability to grow as a person is being suppressed, your social skills and personality damaged.
The generation of the best and brightest, continually let themselves be deceived, lied to and manipulated, by a political party and an ideology which is withholding their futures from them.   
It will continue to be denied them, and each day will become harder to retrieve, they will remain an oppressed segment of our society and our population until they unite, rise up and demand, what is rightfully theirs!

Reclaiming their nation and revitalizing the American dream is not a complicated or an unsolvable problem.
Put down the smartphones long enough to see what is happening, get rid of the Democrats and Liberals and elect Conservative Republicans.
 Remove the people promoting the issues and agendas destroying your future from office and replace them with people that understand and promote free enterprise and a free market economy.

Remove the people circumventing the law and destroying the sovereignty of our nation and replace them with people that demonstrate a love of the nation and the people.
My generation needs to seek out and open a dialogue with those exceptional young millennials that understand the reality of America in 2015, we need to encourage and support their efforts to become leaders within their culture.

We need to do this if we hope to regain and maintain the security of our futures.

Only Americans have the power to destroy the nation, only American patriots have the power to save it.  Patriots created the nation, Patriots were maintaining the nation, Patriots must unite, must rise up and reclaim the nation.   
Thank you for your time, 

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