Love Your Wife

The love a husband has for his own wife
Is true and tender, gentle, warm and wide,
Protecting her from harm with his own life,
Attending to her needs as can provide.
This love is as the Savior loved the church,
Unselfish, sacrificial, just and pure,
And if she lose her way then lead the search,
Or if she comes down ill then find the cure.
A husband loves his wife with all he has,
And as the Lord loves him, he has it all.
Forsaking everything exactly as
The Lord forsook His blood for Adam's fall.
O husbands! Love your wives as Christ loves you,
Becoming then in essence one from two.
Husbands, love your wives,
even as Christ also loved the church,

and gave himself for it
Ephesians 5:25 KJV

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