There is a certain type of news labeled conspiracy theory. It evokes images of people on meds, Chicken Little and the sky falling, or somebody that just needs a life. To others it means somebody is not taking his or her meds. Many people dismiss news categorized this way as not worth the time to check it out.

Many conspiracy theories have become conspiracy fact. A quick once over of this article will show the United States govt is no stranger to conspiracies, fact or theory. Numerous govt entities, from the CIA, to the military, to the White House, and their apparent attempts at cover up seem much more regular than people want to admit.  http://www.infowars.com/33-conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true-what-every-person-should-know/

A modern conspiracy theory is chemtrails. I have lost count of the times I looked in the Los Angeles sky and seen Chemtrails. Chemtrails themselves is pretty much fact. Why it is done is still theory. Many questions arise such as the chemicals being used, are they doing more pollution of the atmosphere then our industry is doing? Are chemtrails really killing the bees? Trying to control climate change or control the weather? Is our govt implementing economic schemes, and taxes, to control global warming while they pour even more dangerous chemicals directly into the atmosphere? No, our elected politicians would never be liars, cheats, and hypocrites like that. What am I thinking?

Of course every good conspiracy theory comes with its alternative explanation. In the case of chemtrails, it is contrails. Often the alternative explanation is deliberate disinformation designed to keep people in doubt. The following videos are no means exhaustive, but they are a decent introduction to the chemtrails you see in your sky.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5is16A8pfw            17:46

So, I sought to show the United States govt and its numerous entities have done conspiracies in the first article. Next I tried to show you there is a conspiracy theory in the sky above your head and the air you breathe.

Next, I want to show you that all the govt has to do is act like something is a conspiracy and the American public ignores the greatest conspiracy in its history. I mean this is really in your face. Corruption at the highest levels of govt. It is as plain as the sky above you. Time to stick a feather in a Tin Foil Hat and call it macaroni. Ridicule is the most potent weapon, from Saul Alinsky. Check it out.

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