Don’t you just love it when a real “PLAN MATERIALIZES” and come together…You know that moment of finality that the “DEAL IS GOING DOWN!” Of course if you are the unlucky soul or mark getting conned you have a different take...However if you are George Soros & The New World Oder Conglomerate you are about to have  the “Organism” you’ve waited decades for…..You have the Perfect “Puppet”….BARRY….A self-described MUSLIM LOVER & DEFENDER, a MARXIST and a AMERICAN HATING Crack-smoking , AC/DC Educated IDIOT….with enough NARCISSISM running in his EVIL Veins to kill a Herd of Elephants ….

Barry is not only trying to BRING in MILLIONS of Mexican Illegals & give them benefits most of us had to work a lifetime for….he is BRING THOUSANDS of Syrian Refugees in too….May I remind you that these MUSLIMS will NOT be VETTED in any shape, form or fashion…..And who was it that Flew the Planes in “ 9-11”….who is it that’s been Beheading  & Burning CHRISTIANS & JEWS in the now MUSLIM-SHITHOLE that ISIS rules?….Answer: .MUSLIMS

This Government in partnership with its PROPAGANDA ARM, The Media, has spent MILLION$ of DOLLAR$ selling FEAR, FEAR,FEAR …..The Reality is WE are being SETUP…..A SETUP for FAILURE….with only one thing in mind…TOTAL 100% control of your life…..

Barry & the Boys have said repeatedly that we in this country have nothing to fear From Groups like ISIS or Countries like IRAN…….Spoken like a “TRUE MUSLIM”….. To me this is like the Good Cop, Bad Cop scenario ……They sell the fear, they sell you FALSE PROMISES of Protection & just when you let your GUARD DOWN……BOOM they hit you….
Most of us BELIEVE there will be another” 9-11” type attack  …not a matter of IF but rather WHEN ….So this now Budding Dictatorship, HAS no plans or any sort to deal with the Radical Muslims….I ask you why should he if he is ONE of them….Why should he care if “Battle Plans “are leaked if he’s one of them & why should he CARE if there are MEMBERS of ISIS mixed in with the SYRIAN Refugees & it leads to another ATTACK if he is One of them…..This is a SETUP for FAILURE……We have been had & most people in this COUNTRY are too STUPID to know what will hit them …..Is this the Beginning of the end or the End of the Beginning?  

Source: Gen. James Mattis Was Fired After He Refused To Take Up Arms Against U.S. Citizens via @UFPnews  

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