The Only Way To Eradicate Jihadists

 By General Black Jack Pershing

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, on the small, remote southern most major island of the Philippines, Mindanao, there was an Islamic uprising. The Muslims on the island were not happy (is anyone surprised?), and to show their unhappiness, they thought it would be best to kill people who did not think like them.

A man named Black Jack Pershing, who would later go on to become a General in the U.S. Army, happened to be stationed on this island with his men. He saw the threat the unhappy Muslims presented and knew the killings would not stop unless he made a dramatic statement. He rounded up fifty terrorists, tied them to trees, and then had them executed using bullets dipped in pig’s blood. He dug a mass grave in which to bury the bodies, but before doing so, he doused them with pig’s blood and entrails. He let one single Muslim go, and that Muslim ran off and spread the word of these events and there was not one major, large scale terrorist attack anywhere in the world for another 42 years.

Just three weeks ago, on the very island of Mindanao, 44 Special Army Forces (SAF) of the Philippines were slaughtered by Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) members, and now, it is the Government of the Philippines main objective not to offset a long standing peace agreement they’ve held with these Jihadists for several years (yes, I’m serious). Jihadists in Syria and Iraq have cut the heads off of U.S. citizens and U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama has made it his ultimate objective NOT to say or do anything that might offend the Muslims.

It appears that there is only one way to deal with this threat, and unfortunately, the only man who understood this fully, General Black Jack Pershing, has been long in his grave for too many years.

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isis sex slave auction

Females in ISLAM are less than human, this is nothing new. And it’s nothing new that, basically, Muslim men will have sex with any female that has a vagina, despite the young age of the vagina owner. Watch these sick pigs talking about the young girls they are going to buy at this sex slave auction, and pay special note when the man says that “if she is 15 I must check her teeth,” because, apparently, 15 year old girls are already past their prime. What sick bastards!

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