Have we become a NATION of Arrogant Narcissistic Fools?...When did we lose the Ability to Hear, See & Smell the Obvious?..... Has the So-Called Intelligence of AMERICA been reduced to Following the Bouncing Ball like a KIDS CARTOON or Picking Up Bread Crumbs on the way to a TRAP......
We all own certain Possessions that we need or think we need SECURITY of some sort to PROTECT....We have homes & cars protected by ALARMS, we have GUARD DOGS & for some we have SMITH & WESSON.....As a Country we have Missile Defense Systems , The Bomb, Radar & our Military.....And I would Suppose there are new  innovations coming down the PIKE .....
This World SEEMS to have a PROBLEM  with "Radical Muslims," and the TOTAL MID-EAST is in total Chaos, Shambles & Uncertainty.....Yet this Government which is SUPPOSED to protect its PEOPLE, deny what the rest of the WORLD apparentness knows FIRST HAND.....

BARRY the Pathetic Blithering Idiot MUSLIM Puppet, says the MEDIA which by & large work for the Goat Humper, overstate the fear.....We also have statements like, maybe they just need a hug, we can't solve this problem with Killing the Terrorists.....

So with all of the DATA at their fingertips, the Military, the Czars that BARRY has at his disposal....Including Valerie his IRANIAN MUSLIM....the Strategy for DEALING  with the guys who Behead People, Burn People to Death & sell SEX with minors for Profit....Muslim Pimps....WTH....The plan is to "TWITTER" them to DEATH.....Who would have thought you could fight a WAR with Radical Muslims...with TWITTER...
Ask yourself this did the leader of these Misunderstood Goat & Sheep HUMPING COCKROACHES wake up Quaking in his "Sandals" when he heard about this "SOCIAL MEDIA WAR"....on are the Prisoners, where is the WHITE FLAG of Surrender? And If you believe in this FAIRY TALE your high on something...
ORWELL: "The Quickest Way to End A War Is To Lose It," I would add or or NEVER have one....STUPIDITY CAN BE TERMINAL ......

So this is the way BARRY & the Rest of this USELESS PATHETIC GOVERNMENT are protecting us from ISIS........... Who the...ELL is going to Protect US from from this DARN GOVERNMENT....
In my years I have seen my share of LIARS & COWARDS.....But this brand of Urchin that comes from the "Bottomless Abyss Of HELL" takes the CAKE....and add to it the Unbelievable STUPIDITY that it takes to BELIEVE this now FAUX, FAKE or PHONY REGURGITATED Maggot Excrement goes beyond any "NORMAL" persons Intelligence....
Is this DEATH by STUPIDITY or SUICIDE Via GOVERNMENT.....Dead is dead is dead.....
And BARRY THE CAMEL HUMPER want's to say say this MEDIA is Over-Hyping the THREAT......Who do you Think they TAKE their Marching Orders from?.....

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