Spotlight on Conservatives

Walker’s story is rather amazing.


Posted by Thomas Ash

February 2015

Walker’s story is rather amazing. The fact that a conservative without a college degree could win election in Milwaukee County must be testimony that Wisconsin voters recognize common sense and someone that delivers on campaign promises. They just keep re-electing him. Polls taken after Romney bowed out of the presidential race has Walker with a commanding lead at 16% and Jeb Bush down in the pack at 9%. (that’s encouraging!) For the most part Walker is conservative enough to win a GOP nomination but it will be how he handles himself in the national limelight that will determine if he has what it takes.
I see a few issues liberals will attempt to exploit and at least one that conservative opponents will attempt to exploit.

1) Walker hasn’t clearly laid out his position on securing the border and what to do with illegal aliens that are estimated to be near 25 million after Obama’s lawless invitation to amnesty. Some say Walker is pro-amnesty but he claims he isn’t. He supports and encourages mass immigration but wants it done legally.

a. Endorses path to citizenship for immigrant workers. (Jul 2013)

b. Make it easier to enter the country legally. (Jul 2013)

c. 2010: stop suspected illegals; 2012: that's a distraction. (Jul 2013)

d. Supports AZ's immigration law and no benefits for illegals. (Jul 2010)

2) Common Core - I think this is a dumb issue myself because the Federal Government didn’t have anything to do with it but Wisconsin adopted Common Core. Lucky for Walker he isn’t the one that signed off on it but on the other hand he’s been okay with it up until now.

3) 100% Pro Life – Pro Lifers love this but liberals will be quick to point out 60-70% of the country support a woman’s right to choose in cases of rape and incest.

Scott has a lot of work to do if he plans on running for president as he’s yet to develop positions on immigration, foreign policy, national tax policy or fiscal policy. One thing for sure, he isn’t afraid to take on the ‘Sacred Cows’ which is one of the best things about him. Maybe we’ll see him advance the GW Bush plan to convert Social Security to a ‘Thrift Saving’ type of venture and get the money away from the thieves in federal government.

Scott Kevin Walker (born November 2, 1967) is an American Republican legislator and politician who is the 45th Governor of Wisconsin. He was first elected Governor in 2010 and was sworn in on January 3, 2011. Walker was re-elected to a second term on November 4, 2014.

We came to know Walker as the governor who took on Wisconsin’s Teachers Unions and won. After being sworn into office in 2011, Walker introduced a controversial budget repair plan which limited many collective bargaining rights for most public employees. The legislation made more than $1 billion in cuts to the state's biennial education budget and $500 million in cuts from the state's biennial Medicaid budget.

The budget cuts led to significant protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol and an effort to recall Walker. Despite the millions of dollars Democrats poured into Wisconsin to defeat Walker received 53% of the vote, more votes than the original election, and defeated former governor Barrett handily. Walker again faced Barrett in Wisconsin's only gubernatorial recall election. Walker is the only governor in the U.S. to date to win a gubernatorial recall election.

In his bid for the Governorship, Walker campaigned to reduce spending and lower taxes and won the Republican primary with 91% of the vote. As part of his campaign platform, Walker said he would create 250,000 jobs in his first term through a program that would include tax cuts for small businesses, capital gains tax cuts, and income tax cuts for the highest-earning Wisconsinites. He proposed cutting state employee wages and benefits to help pay for these tax cuts. Critics argued that his proposals would help only the wealthy and that cutting the salaries of public employees would adversely affect state services, while supporters argued that tax cuts for businesses would reduce the cost of labor, which would ultimately promote consumer demand and more job growth. To date Wisconsin has created 100,000 jobs under Walker’s leadership.

The Walker administration has been filled with controversy as he battles liberals and progressives of the Democrat party left wing. His refusal to accept $810 million award from the federal Department of Transportation to build a high speed railroad line from Madison to Milwaukee is another example. Walker believes the rail would cost the state $7.5 million per year to operate and would not prove profitable. (I’m inclined to agree with Walker on this one. If there was a profit to be made, the private sector would build it.) This was in spite of offers by the mayor of Madison and the Dane County executive to help absorb costs the state might have incurred. The award was later rescinded and split among other states. This cost the state at least $60 million for rail repairs federal funds would have covered.

Social issues played a part in the campaign. Walker has stated that he is "100% pro-life" and that he believes life should be protected from conception to natural death. He opposes abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. He supports abstinence-only sex education in the public schools and opposes state supported clinical services that provide birth control and testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases to teens under age 18 without parental consent. He supports the right of pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraceptives on religious or moral grounds. He supports adult stem cell research but opposes human embryonic stem cell research. As a supporter of traditional marriage, he opposed a law that allowed gay couples to register with counties to get certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights.

Walker began his political career in 1993 when he was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly where he served four terms.

In 2002, Walker was elected Milwaukee County Executive to reform the scandal-ridden county government. The scandal rocked Milwaukee County to its core and left taxpayers on the hook for millions in pension obligations.
For eight years as County Executive, Walker faithfully kept his promise to spend taxpayer money as if it were his own. He cut the county’s debt by 30%, reduced the county workforce by more than 25%, and authored nine consecutive budgets without increasing the property tax levy from the previous year. Despite failing national and state economies, Milwaukee County recorded budget surpluses.

Walker is the only Republican to ever serve as Milwaukee County Executive. After the special election in 2002, the voters honored him with full terms in 2004 and 2008. In his last election, Walker received nearly 60% of the vote in a county that President Obama carried with about two-thirds of the vote.

In 2010 Walker ran for the office of Governor of the State of Wisconsin and won. On January 3, 2011, he was inaugurated as Wisconsin’s 45th Governor. Since that day, he has proposed bold reforms that have eliminated the state’s $3.6 billion budget deficit without raising taxes and gave school districts and local governments the tools to balance their budgets without the massive layoffs seen in other states. To date, these profound changes have saved Wisconsin taxpayers some $3 billion. Governor Walker has also cut taxes by $2 billion for individuals, families, farmers, seniors, and small businesses since taking office. In fact, after skyrocketing by 27 percent in the decade before Governor Walker took office, property taxes on a median-valued home will actually be lower in 2014 than they were in 2010.

Governor Walker set an aggressive goal to help Wisconsin’s private sector create 250,000 jobs and he stands by it. We’re not there yet, but we’re on our way. After years of record job loss, Wisconsin has created over 100,000 jobs during the Walker administration. More jobs were created in Scott Walker's first three years in office than in former Democrat Governor Jim Doyle's eight years as Governor. In the annual survey of job creators from the state’s chamber of commerce, 95% said Wisconsin is headed in the right direction (compared to just 10% who said the same thing in 2010). Chief Executive Magazine's ranking of the best state for business moved Wisconsin up from 41st in 2010 to 14th in 2014. Governor Walker's number one priority is helping the people of this state create jobs. He will keep that focus so that everyone who wants a job can find a job.

On June 5, 2012, Scott Walker became the first governor in American history to win a recall election. He won the election with more votes and by a higher percentage than he had won in 2010. Since then, he has continued to push bold reforms that keep power in the hands of the hard working taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Scott is married to Tonette and they have two sons in college – Matt and Alex. They are active members of their church in Wauwatosa and remain involved with numerous charitable programs.


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