Progressive Press‏

by Bernard J. Byrne

 Applying the legend of Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned, would it not also be proper to say, that American democracy, as we have known it, is burning down, as the Main Stream Media dances to the tunes of President Obama's progressive fiddle? One has only to look at the almost uncountable times, that the main stream media has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the out right law-breaking and lies committed by this President and his co-hort. It would take the number of pages in "War and Peace" to name all the infractions of this Administration.

There is in each department of our government, an Inspector General who oversees that department to make sure it is operating with in the law. Right now, there are 47 Inspector Generals who are being denied the information from the Obama Administration that they need to investigate their departments for perceived wrong-doings. This government refuses to operate within our Country's Constitution and it is being supported and up held by a progressive media that has become deaf and blind to the principles, this nation was founded on. The media does not care that this President has lied repeatedly to the American public, or that he refuses to enforce the laws of the land. They look the other way when friends of the President are known to have bombed government buildings, owed millions of dollars in taxes, or damned the United States from the pulpit. This President negotiates with terrorist countries like Iran and Russia. He refuses to call those in the Islamic faith ,who butcher and burn innocent people, "Islamic Terrorists", but he has the gall to speak about the wrong doings committed by Christians a thousand years ago. 
There was a time in this country, not so very long ago, when the main stream media was an advocate for the ideals our country was founded on and a watch dog, overseeing the workings of our government, be it led by a Democrat or a Republican. As of late, the main stream media has become nothing more than a lap dog to a runaway progressive government. If they would only open their eyes and ears there might still be time to save the legacy of our Fore-Fathers.

God Bless America!

Bernard Byrne is a retired Postmaster who lives in Doylestown Township, Pennsylvania.  

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