On Anger

An angry disposition is unwise;
It's easy to achieve and hard to lose,
And always seems to linger in disguise
To take away the feelings you might choose.
If you are quick to anger learn to pray,
For something boils within and won't let go,
And if you bare your soul to God today
You'll get the aid you need to make wrath slow.
The Lord may lead you to a wiser friend
Who listens with a heart that's God inclined;
Perhaps a counselor to help you mend,
To find the root of rage that's had you blind.
            If you stay angry, take it to the Lord;
            His love will heal you and get peace restored.
Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry:
for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 KJV

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