Behind Every Blade of Grass

Have you ever really wondered about the drive to disarm the American Public? Why is it so important to take away the guns of the normal citizen? Why do they care if you have guns?

There’s plenty of historical information about what happens to a populace that is defenseless. The people or rulers rather, in charge run rampant doing whatever they want to the defenseless “subjects”. There is nothing to stop them. Our Republic is a system of check and balances (well, supposedly anyway) to prevent any one branch of government from gaining too much power over the others but where is the check and balance for the Government’s power over its citizens? What is there that stops the Governments abuse of its people?

-GUNS- I love the saying, “God made Man, but Samuel Colt made them Equal!” This is the check and balance I feel that “We The People” have against our Government. An armed society is a SAFE society, a PROTECTED SOCIETY! Take for example the Bundy Ranch issue of past, my observation of the incident is the Government backed off for the main reason that it came face to face with armed citizens. Agree or disagree, the outcome would have been totally in favor of the Government had it not been for the citizens with guns. The Government would have advanced and physically taken over the ranch had it not been for the armed American citizens there.

The founding Fathers understood this and that is why we have the 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." If the current administration decided today, to lock down the citizens of these United States of America, could they do it? Not without a lot of bloodshed, why? ARMED CITIZENS! The quote “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” is often attributed to Admiral Yamamoto of the Japanese Navy during WWII and some debate whether or not he actually said it but that’s for another time. However, the point of the words is true. What made the Colonists a pain in the ass for the highly regarded British army in the 1700s? A GUN BEHIND EVERY BLADE OF GRASS! The Brits knew this and that was why one of their main objectives was to confiscate all the firearms and powder from the Colonists. And trust me; the current Government understands this point very well.

It’s clear the objective of disarming the American Citizen is for control, take our guns and you can control US. But what's not so clear is how any citizen can agree with it. The liberal mindset of giving up the one and only way of Governmental check and balance by “We The People” is just unbelievably hard to grasp. We must never lose site of the evil that fights to control US, never lose focus on the fight at hand, we must never give them control and always, ALWAYS remember:

An Armed Society is a SAFE and PROTECTED Society. Fight for our RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms America. If we don’t, we’ll wake up someday and wonder what happened and it will be too late. 

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