Should Martial law ever be declared in these United States

Should Martial law ever be declared in these United States
, I fear that less than 25% per cent of the civilian population who say they will fight will actually show up. I do feel that at least 75-80% of former military personnel, known as “oath keepers” will take their oaths seriously and will defend their constitutional rights.(I would say 100% but we have wounded warrior, that would if they could) Appointed Law Enforcement officers won't be coming one-on-one but in mass, with weapons drawn, kicking down doors and not giving a shit who you are. It make you wonder just how many gun owners that profess their allegiance will be willing to risk death when they come to their door and demand their guns? after all, the govt. has some pretty mean and dedicated S.O.B.‘s on their side. Viewing the past episodes of American history shows that battle wins didn't go to the most numerous, or even the most armed, but to the most ruthless. 

The average American has never faced combat or open warfare waged in our country, like wars seen in other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. I would not be that surprised if in fact most would throw up their hands and allow them to ransack and remove their weapons from their homes.

 It is one thing to brag about what your going to do if face with the Feds at your door, but another matter to stand your ground and be prepared to die for the sake of preserving the republic, not unlike the dedication shown by the originators of our most beloved document that has so long, stood the test of time, longer than any other document in history. I Pray for the sake of this republic that you are prepared to give your all, for your words are all that stand before humankind now in the preservation of America.

 It stands to reason, that if you are afraid to stand up for your principals now, and letting this tyrannical administration know how you feel, what makes you think you will have the guts to stand up once Martial Law has been declared by this tyrannical government? 

An administration that has pretty much declared the constitution null and void while they demand loyalty from our military and of the masses? I have long out lived the average age of the signers of the declaration of independence, and I absolve to forever be in their debt and having said that, I hereby declare my word, my sole possessions, and my life if necessary, to preserve our constitution.

 I have faced death many times and, I am not crazy nor do I have a death wish, I am “An Oath Keeper” and will die as such. On this you have my word as a patriotic American. 

We live in troubled times and must think about what we will do in dire situations....We must be prepared to act before it happens, Show me a strong leader and I will follow him or her to the gates of hell.....

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