The corruption has silence every Congressmen and Senator


You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time.


Barack Hussein Obama remains an enigma. Like many in 2008 I accepted he was the candidate. I did not care for him because he was Democrat and too far left. While I recognize there are power brokers, people of influence, party machines, billionaires, corporations, and labor unions buying influence and elections in both parties, I am now particularly disturbed at the level of corruption I see.

I now believe Barack Obama is chosen for power by a corrupt and evil power structure. Sounds like a crazy statement and if somebody said it to me, I would be prone to dismiss it as conspiracy junk. On top of that there is all kinds of info out there that is accurate, or misinformation, and actual disinformation about Obama. I have had to read much on both sides of the issue to get an understanding of what is probably true.

042-68-4425 IS Obama’s social security number. It was exposed on his 2009 tax form on This number was issued from Connecticut while Barry lived in Hawaii. Some argue a typo gave it a Connecticut zip code. That zip code was never used until years after it was issued. It was created for the exclusive use of Union Carbide. This SSN was also run through E-verify and failed. It was flagged for possible fraud. Failing E-verify means Obama does not qualify to work in the USA.

In 1981 Obama traveled to Pakistan, India, and Indonesia and what passport was used is still unknown. Neither has it been disclosed what happened when Obama’s passport record was illegally accessed three times. The govt report was so heavily redacted as to make it useless.

Was Obama a foreign student? This status is actually unknown. There are reasons to believe Obama was a foreign student and received funding from foreign sources, mainly the Saudis. Who do you think is benefitting most from blocking Keystone pipeline, Soros or the Saudis? Remember the bow to the Saudi king?

Obama’s citizenship status never even received an informal review. The President was always supposed to have two citizen parents to have Natural Born citizenship status, only his mother was a citizen. They investigated McCain but gave Obama a pass. Why was that? Dare I say they wanted somebody with foreign loyalties?

There are many other problems around Obama such as his selective service card. Is Obama really a communist? Muslim or Christian? Why do people in Kenya, and other countries, say he was born in Kenya? Why did Obama say Bill Ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood when ties to him are actually well known? Is Obama actually gay? What was the influence of Frank Marshall Davis? What are the chances of all this only being coincidences?

Now six years later most Americans do not seem to care about this anymore. They actually think Obama is just incompetent, out of touch maybe, failed as president. No one is willing to consider that Obama is just a puppet and doing exactly what he went into office to do. He went in to build a Caliphate for the Muslims. He used healthcare to create a database that could be used to control all Americans. He wants to take guns so Americans will be unable to fight back in the coming transformation. He wants radical Iranians to have the nuclear bomb. He is gutting the military because he is loyal to foreigners. What does he really want to do to Israel? Obama is bitch slapping every American value he can while making the people think someone else is to blame.

The corruption is able to silence every Congressmen. The corruption has silenced every mainstream news outlet. They will not even acknowledge these problems exist. It only took our corrupt govt 48 hours to shut down the media from reporting this fraud. When Joe Arpaio announced probable cause existed that is what happened. America is a captured operation. Good luck America in the coming elections. I think they will be stolen like 2012. Fundamental transformation may be around the corner. Americans, being played for fools since at least April 27th, 2011.

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