Fourth of July 2014 – Our Last Celebration of the Birth of Our Freedom?

In recent days, I have found myself wallowing in a pit of gloom over our nation’s current condition, fearing that this might be our last July 4th celebration that we spend in freedom before tyranny completely takes over our country, removing our Constitution and forcing upon us a new, but undesirable government!  I have been blaming our president for being the tyrant that he is.  I have even felt that We the People are to blame because of our lack of outrage and, even more vocalization of our outrage to our leaders, but now I realize the blame for our current situation of a corrupt leader and other leaders in our nation goes far deeper than that.  

Realizing that this great nation was founded on strong Christian-Judeo principles by men who drew up our Constitution with so much thought and care, obviously believing that they were at the threshold of the decision to either let King George of England become the ruler, thereby enduring tyranny in this new land, or they would create a new government!  They knew there would be great risk to them and their families.  They knew that King George might be enraged and send military over to battle them.  Why, how dare these men willingly start a new country without him in authority or establish that he be the head of this new country!  They were so rebellious against their homeland and their king!

But these men did not go it alone without help to set up a government that would watch over their people and future generations.  They called upon Divine Providence for guidance in designing this new government!  They did not do it in a careless manner at all, but with instead great reverence for the One who made them, who led them to this new land, and they felt they were blessed to have such a great opportunity to design a government that would be governed by the people, not the king.  They would have liberty from the greed of one man over their lives and would be able to worship their God, in their own way, not as ruled by the government!  They would also rule government, not a king!

Now fast forward almost 238 years to the present day and examine where our government is today.  I believe we are currently at a crossroad, the most important crossroad in the history of our nation only comparable to 238 years ago when our government was designed for the very first time that we once again need to decide which way we are going to go?  Are we going to stay with the course that was set for us by our Founding Fathers, one of freedom that the people make the decisions regarding laws, not just a few men, or even worse, just one man?  Are we going to “compromise” with the present leadership by letting them decide our laws without our input, without our permission, doing as they so please?  But even more, are we going to let one man make our decisions for us, thereby removing our freedom to make our own choices as well as our own laws that protect us as individuals and our property as well as our liberty? 

But I think we must go back one step further by looking at how those men, our Founding Fathers, made their decisions about the design of the new government resulting in the way they formed their decisions.  They sought Divine Providence for this awesome fete they wanted to accomplish, not wanting it to fail.  They had faith in Divine Providence because they knew they were mere men and He was All-Knowing and All-Powerful!  They knew that through Him and the promises He made in His Message to the people, so they started with this Preamble to the Constitution: PREAMBLE of the Constitution of the United States: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” 
In reading the Preamble to the Constitution, we should ask ourselves about their choice of words they inserted so carefully into it.  Why did they use the word “ordain” when they stated in the preamble of the Constitution as well as how they wanted to “form a more perfect Union.”  I believe forming a more perfect union meant they wanted a better government than what they had experienced before coming to this new land. 

But we also need to examine the word ‘ordain’ to the fullest.  Merriam-Webster online describes the meaning of “ordain” as follows:1:  to invest officially (as by the laying on of hands) with ministerial or priestly authority 
2:  to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law :  enact <we the people … do ordain and establish this Constitution — United States Constitution>

Did it mean to, as in #2, establish or order by appointment, decree, or law….. enact?  Or did they mean it in an even deeper meaning of the word spiritually in that they wanted to invest officially with ministerial or priestly authority?  Did they believe that they as the Founders would decree, or dictate, assume power?  Or were they referring to something deeper as in #1, to invest officially with ministerial or priestly authority, as caretakers at the very beginning of our country and its government, that they would invest….as in be responsible, but not dictatorial, permitting people to make their own individual decisions for their lives that they felt government did not belong, and even more, that they felt a reverence to not only the people being higher than they, but that they revered Divine Providence (God) above all and seek his wisdom.   I believe through reading many of their quotes of their writings that it was as in #1 of the description of the meaning of the word “ordain.”  This government was not going to be put in the hands of a man or even a few men without reverence first to God Almighty, but also the second the will of the people, that this nation would be ruled accordingly, and there would be no dictator.  The Highest Authority for our government in the beginning was given to God, especially in what would be in that Constitution.  They revered God the most, above themselves and above people, and had read the Bible for instruction in their lives and knew that one man or even a few men should not be rulers over all.   I believe they had read the following verses through the course of their lives and derived the beginning of our nation and its government through knowledge of these verses and would strive as much as humanly possible but first with Divine intervention through their prayers in the creation of our government and that no man should ever feel he is above the law, above the people, and especially above God, making decisions how we should live nor what we do as long as we live according to the principles established to protect people and their property, be it amongst themselves or even amongst a rogue tyrant who someday could appear and believe that he alone should decide our lives, how we should live and what should happen to our “property”….and I believe this man has arrived and is serving as president of the United States right now, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro. 

But also , notice they wanted to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” They were not selfish, only concerned about a brief course of freedom from tyranny, but for posterity….for all the generations to come.  It is obvious their intention for the length of time freedom would endure was not only for their lifetime, but for posterity, for generations yet to come.  ALL generations!

 But believing that God has richly blessed this nation until now, that we are saying so much corruption and greed for power and money, lust for what others worked for, I believe that until we restore the spiritual health of our nation, our freedom is doomed. Here are some Biblical verses I found that I believe discuss how our founders intended our nation be governed and how we should seek guidance yet today from God Almighty so our freedom will endure!  Perhaps that is why our country is floundering towards enslavement by government, not so much due to this one man attempting to rule over our freedom, but instead that we as a nation have not shown outrage at all the corruption by our government leaders, but even more we have damaged our spiritual health.  Just as a body needs nutrients to not only help us grow, but to endure healthily for as long as our health permits us, we need a strong spiritual health in our nation in order to preserve freedom from one nation to the next.  Without a strong healthy spiritual well-being of our nation, how do we think we can secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?   

No, we are not a theocracy!  But this nation was not founded via man’s genius, but instead through their reverence and their dedication to God and having sought His wisdom for the very beginning of this nation  Today we have lost that….and therefore, we are losing this nation permitting only a few people, a minority of people and some judges, to remove Him entirely from our nation and instead giving higher precedence to other gods, be it at the very beginning to permit Allah to have more presence now than the God who blessed this nation, or be it money or power.  We the People are now our own worst enemy in regards to our country and retaining our freedom.  How can we expect our nation to be prosperous when we as a nation no longer even recognize Him anymore with reverence and with thanks for all with which He had blessed this nation? 

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