Cathartic Discharge: Getting it Right - Words & Perceptions

The Cynical Optimist
J DeNello

How, exactly, would you describe Barrack Obama ?
  What words would you use?

Getting it Right
Words & Perceptions
How, exactly, would you describe Barrack Obama ?   
What words would you use?
It is a known fact he is a liar, also well known that he is doing everything he can to destroy the nation while draining the value of the dollar from our pockets.

I could itemize his shortcoming’s and list the damages he has done, and is doing…
 but what’s the point;  I doubt I could list them all, and you, no doubt, already have your own list memorized.
Taking his actions into consideration, what labels, what words best describe the man ? 
If you, like many, feel he should be held accountable, what charges would you bring against him in a court of law ?

Wanting to keep our fight moving forward;  attempting to define the words and terms that best describe his actions would help us to better understand what we are fighting
for and aid in seeking justice. 

When I think of this man and what he is doing to our nation and society, words like
 Treason, Sedition and Traitor come into my mind

Treason, Sedition, and Traitor are words that bring a Patriots emotions into play, they imply wrong doing against something a Patriot loves. Love for one’s Nation,
it can get very personal; make a you want to stand up and fight; make you want to protect your nation, and that’s good.  (We need to be standing up and we need to be fighting.)   At the same time, we need to control our emotions and understand what we are fighting against.

Let’s take a brief look at the definitions of Treason, Sedition and Traitor 
 and try answering  these 2 questions.
1.    Are these words accurate, do they describe his actions?
2.    Can they be used to hold him accountable?
 TreasonThe offense of acting to overthrow one's government   
               a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state
             the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.  

Treason, absolutely and accurately does describe Obama’s actions;  starting with day one of his presidency. (easily confirmed by reviewing your personal list of his transgressions)

BUT According to the constitution  (Article 3, Section 3)  the generally accepted interpretation is that an act of treason is only considered treasonous if committed during a time of declared war… 

The war we are fighting against the agenda obsessed liberals, the war all of us should be actively engaged in, is not a war that has been officially declared by our Govt. and is not against another nation.  
The war we are fighting has been silently declared by a Criminally Corrupt Administration and is being waged against the Nation, the Constitution and the American People; it is very real, and if we lose we will become a defeated people and prisoners within our own nation.

Convicting the man of Treason, although well deserved, is not going to happen.
Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not acts of treason as outlined in the Constitution.

(What about the War on Terror?  That was one of my first thoughts, then I remembered that, By Decree, The War on Terror was deemed over and the enemy had been Decimated by the wave of a limp wrist)

We have a YES to question 1; treason does accurately describe his actions, and
NO for question 2;  he cannot be charged with treason.

The actions may be treasonous in nature and intent but charges of treason would not hold up in a court of law.
The same is basically true for the two remaining words.

Sedition:  incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government,
              by action, in speech or writing that  promotes  such discontent
             or rebellion.

Traitor:  a person who betrays a cause or any trust, a person who betrays
              his or her country.

Both are very accurate descriptions of his actions and he should be impeached and he deserves to be imprisoned, but he will remain insulated from and protected from prosecution by the criminal empire posing as our government.

 Public enemy #1 is seeking refuge within.. finding protection in our laws and our Constitution while actively working to destroy both.

To find words,  describing acts,  which can be used to bring the criminal and his associate’s  to justice we need only look at the origins and back-ground of most administration members and the well documented history of that local.

Yes folks, you need to look no farther than the city of Chicago, and start using words and terms that are readily associated with that city and its history…

 It is not hard to make the connection

Organized Crime Syndicate:  The Administration  
Mob Boss/Enforcer :  Eric Holder
Extortion:   IRS,  EPA
Racketeering:  Obama Care
Kingpin:  Harry Reid
The Godmother:   Valerie Jarrett 
The Shill: (a plant or stooge)  Barack Obama

Treasonous  Intent, Subversive and Seditious Behavior from CRIMINALS.
Traitors’ to our Nation and its Core Values that CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE

We can all benefit from a little Cathartic Discharge; bashing the man and expressing your feelings, getting things off your chest is a bit of a cleansing experience, good for the soul…
Even better when using words and terms that tell it like it is….
Words and Terms that accurately describe illegal activities and words that will stand up in a court of law.

Thank you for your time,
J DeNello               

For more about the corruption of this administration
                             check out another post right here on Friends of Liberty

New stuff at Blog Toons


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