The Winds of tyranny

"How much tyranny are you willing to tolerate? When 

you give your consent to a corrupt government you 

volunteer to be their slave."

"Those that consent to tyranny lack the courage necessary to live free"

Darioush Radmanesh

                         THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 
                              RULES AND LAWS

The defining difference between Laws and rules is basically which group or body of citizens are putting these edicts in to place...The Majority or the minority?...the Majority being the common ordinary citizens with in society or the Minority which is the state....when laws are put in to effect in Republics which are governed in accordance with a set number of guidelines, regulations, checks and balances put in so to safeguard the rights of the people ( such as in the United states )...or in Democracies...whereby though there is no Constitution per-say...any and all new legislation's are however put forth before the people ( The majority ) to be voted in both cases either by adhering to guidelines of a Constitution in Republics or obtaining the consent or vote of approval by the people as is done in both cases the freedoms and rights of the common ordinary citizen ( majority ) is protected and safeguarded against the infringement of there rights by the state...all legislation which is passed in this matter becomes law....however when any new legislation is put forth or forced upon the people by the state...whereby it was done so neither in accordance to the checks and balances or regulations set forth in a Constitution or has not been voted on, and supported by, the people.....all such legislation become Rules...meaning that they are legislation's which have been forced upon the people by the state with out the consent or approval of the people.

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