Common sense

Common sense is a thought process mechanism that enables a being to unite and judge objects from the external senses; these are touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste. If objects perceived from the external senses are not united and analysed by an inner sense, then they cannot be fully used in aid of the being. Aristotle developed the theory in this form. Instinct is a similar inner sensation.

what America, needs is for the Halls of her government to be filed with competent, courageous, honorable and patriotic men and women both chosen and elected from the ordinary common citizenry.
...and not from the wealthy/elitist class....whose only objective and interest in life is the pursuing and the accumulating of personal wealth and political advancement. A businessman or woman, whose entire life has been devoted to the pursuits of of financial profit....cannot operate in any other way...there entire mind set is simply...BUSINESS...So what ever endeavour which they will undertake...will be condoned in such a manner...therefore it is for this very reason, that politics and the world of finance must NOT! ever merge...otherwise what we will have is a corporate state or State Capitalism

'' Back when we were in Iran after the 1979 Islamic revolution. One day when I was about 13-14 years of age, my father sat me down and while pointing at our positions ( we were very wealthy and so had a great deal of expensive hand made furniture, hand made Persian Rugs a massive mansion etc. ) and said to me....'' see every thing we have here....non of this really belongs to us ''...of course I was very confused by my fathers comment...I mean I remember thinking...of course it all belongs to us??...what was he talking about?? my father could see the confusion on my face and knew what I was thinking....while smiling said...'' Dar....we may own everything here...but...make no mistake a society like Iran, where you have no freedoms and no rights...not only your positions...but also your very lives are completely at the mercy of the state...and every thing can be taken from you at the governments whim ''.

This is what I mean when I say that a free people will always be prosperous...but a prosperous people may not always be free. Whenever the prosperity of a people is dependent on the state or that the structure of any society is build upon monetary wealth rather then the principles of freedom and liberty...ultimately no one in such a society will ever truly be prosperous...because as I have depicted in the example of my own life a society void of freedom, all of ones positions and worldly goods can be taken away by the state at a seconds notice.

Darius Radmanesh

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