America Has a New Owner and It Ain’t George Soros

This has been a very big news week with lots of stories to draw us
away. Gwyneth Paltrow says water has feelings, Charlize Theron compares “Press intrusion” to rape! Why do we give place to these morons? And Mr. Obama’s “Lets get physical?” workout recording. Even with all that great news, I was stuck on an interview with the President, and King, Mr. Obama.

I was under the impression that Mr. Obama was a constitutional professor at some school who’s records I am sure have been sealed by court order at this time.
I was always taught and have seen that there are 3 branches of government. Please don’t make me explain all of this. If you don’t know, please, immediately rip up your voter card.
The branches of government were created and configured to keep each other in check so that no one group would have all the power. Our Founding Fathers knew that if any one group had the ability to grab all the power they would and we would quickly become a monarchy or dictatorship. These were very smart men.
The current president and constitutional professor can’t seem to find the truth if you put it in a marked bag using orange reflective highway paint and handed it to him. Even members of his own team are calling him out. He claims that the Bergdahl swap was a “time is of the essence” thing. Not true! There was no imminent danger. He wasn’t dying and there was no immediate threat of execution.
President Obama said in the interview that he makes no apologies for his decision because a man was left behind in uniform, fighting for his country. I won’t deal with the desertion issue right now, but this guy has been captured for years with negotiations going on for many months. At first, they wanted to trade for dollars, but his joint chiefs and executive members advised against it.
Now, the opportunity to negotiate came back around again and the president decided this is all his call. He has a pen and a phone and he is not willing to wait on Congress as the law requires. For good measure, he runs it by his joint chiefs and executive staff. They all say it’s a bad idea and sets a bad precedent. But, hey, don’t let the experts or the law get in the way! This president sees no one above himself, in intelligence or power or expertise. No one!
As he has done so many times in the past, he once again disregards the experts and decides he will make the trade and break the law by not informing the Security Council and he makes the deal. Now to prove this is a non-partisan issue, his own senior party members are furious over this. Some agree it was a bad move. Most are mad because he didn’t let them know, once again showing that he sees himself as the supreme leader and overseer.
A phrase he used in the interview made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. When asked by the interviewer was there anything wrong with what he did he says:
I make no apologies for it. It was a unanimous decision among my principals in my government, and a view that was shared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is something I would do again and will continue to do whenever I have an opportunity.
First of all, Mr. Dictator, it is NOT “your government”! It’s the “people’s government.” It’s a government for the people by the people, not for Obama by what’s good for Obama. Second, you lie! Your team, your principles, were not in agreement. They all told you it was a bad move, but, as usual, you ignored the experts because you see yourself in the realm of “godhood” and no one can possibly know more than you. Why even waste everyone’s time with asking those in your staff? He said he would do it again, and will continue, when the opportunity arises. Total disregard for the law, the truth, and the experts hired to guide him!
How about you do this for the first time… pick up the phone and call the Mexican president and get our Marine out of jail! Hello! Do something good! Making THAT phone call would not violate any laws. It’s part of your JOB!
Then there is the EPA. He has decided to implement cap and trade his own way. By using his phone and his pen he’s using the EPA enforce guidelines HE wants, that HE thinks will work. One man ruling a country. He doesn’t need Congress.
Hey you Libs out there! When a conservative Republican becomes president and runs rip shod over the law I hope you will remain as silent as you are now. But you won’t. Hypocrisy will rise up and you won’t be able to control yourself!
The president has decided that instead of capturing illegals that cross the border and simply sending them back he will put them on buses driven further north into the country, and drop them off in Arizona. We know how much he loves that state. Yes, he is dropping off nearly 500 illegal aliens a day at bus stations in Tucson and Phoenix. Why! Why is he breaking the law and forcing his men to break the law?
Here is the deal. I am becoming more and more resentful of this President’s blatant daily, no, minute-by-minute disregard for our laws and constitution. There could only be a few reasons for this:
1.) He is ignorant of the law.
2.) He doesn’t care about the law.
3.) He sees himself above the law and government.
4.) He thinks he owns the place.
Bingo! That’s it. You see, owners set the rules. They set the laws. They enforce the laws they want to enforce. They can choose to hire and fire whomever they want. They answer to no one. And if anyone slows them down, they fire them or ignore them.
Obama now owns the United States of America… and YOU let it happen!
Good job America!

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