(A Poem by Joe Esposito)
I love my country and I say it with pride
But contempt for my President I just cannot hide
He's a narcisstic, lying son of a bitch
He has not a smidgen of decency, not even a stitch
He will look at you and flash a big side smile
But behind that face is a monster of utter guile
You better watch out what you say or do
Or they'll be an IRS agent coming after you
He'll show up and inquire about your political views
And don't say that your favorite station is FOX NEWS
You won't believe all the trouble you'll be in
if they ever find out that you are a devout Christian
And don't ever let them see your books by Ayn Rand
You will really be in trouble I want you to understand
Whether you like it or not we live in a Police State
It's independent political thought these people hate
If I were you I would triple lock all your doors
I'm afraid we are no longer a nation of laws
The America we once knew is a fading memory

We are a country awash in so much criminality!


(A poem by Joe Esposito)
We want our America back. We want it back before it's too late
This tyrant in the White House has poisoned it with such hate
The damage he's  done has truly broken everyone 's  heart
The Constitution we so adore he has tried to tear apart
We want our America back!!  For it is the land that we all love
This tyranny that we're under we pray that we can dispose of
This despot has  demeaned everything our country stands for
Our rights are being trashed and this we cannot take anymore
We want our America back and all the ideals it represents
We want each individual to be free from government interference
Let us be a nation where we help and respect  one another
Not a country where where one class is pitted against the other
We want our America again to be the wonderful beacon of light
An America that stood for everything that was just and oh so Right
We want it back. We detest the the transformation that we've seen
We're tired of the demagoguery for it has been so utterly obscene
We want our America back. The America that was an inspiration
A country that stood proud and far above any other nation
An America that showed the way with its Exceptionalism
before this demagogue infused our land with his Socialism
We want our America back. An America that did not spy on its citizenry
or set upon political opponents each and every government agency
We wish to reclaim our country from those who engage in criminality
And  for the America where our leaders respected our right to liberty!!


(A Poem by Joe Esposito)
He reigns as if he's a Monarch and does what gives him pleasure
Total power for the STATE he longs for,  not any personal treasure
Laws such as the Affordable Care Act he changes as he sees fit
He is as calculating as can be and to his whims you must submit
His political opposition stays silent as his unconstitutional acts mount
There have been so many abuses that no one has kept an accurate count
We were once a mighty nation and now we are no more
We've gone through a transformation like we've  never seen before
The Obama Leviathan seeks to replace one's freedom and liberty
A total control of our lives, a threat to our national sovereignty
Our Constitutional Republic is dissipating right before our eyes
An encroaching liberal behemoth increases in power and size
We're ruled by an insufferable narcissist who lives lavishly like a king
and then has the temerity to say income inequality is a terrible thing
He sits on his imaginary throne with a shredded Constitution in hand
This cherished document he despises and does not understand
The principles of Saul Alinksy have replaced those in our Constiution
It calls for the demonization of political opponents and full retribution
The ideals articulate  by our Founding Fathers have been discouraged
And replaced by those  of Alinsky which is so highly encouraged
With this false king in control the future of our country seems bleak
When we are in the throes of tyranny no one has the freedom to speak
The America that we once loved and cherished is slowly eviscerated
by one who has gotten control of a country that he has always hated!


(A Poem by Joe Esposito)
Lois Lerner is now Contemptible in Congress's view
With the Attorney General this now makes two
But Lois is a particular nauseating slime
Against the Tea Party she committed a crime
She did her best to curb any right wing speech
Oh how this Administration loves to overreach
This is the way of these Far Left loons
They just can't help themselves acting like goons
Now we hope and pray that Lois will get indicted
Oh how it will make all of us so damn excited
Maybe justice will prevail and Lois will go to jail
I hope that happens quickly and without fail
Prison is where most of the adminstration rightly belongs
Look at all of their scandals and abuses. So many wrongs
This White House is just chock full of criminality
led by Eric, Lois and that vile and detestable Hillary
One right after another they bring us shame
They fall from grace but find others to blame
Never do these cretins accept any responsibility
They're even incompetent in the ways of criminal activity

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