Obama worried about citizen uprising

I've never seen a more disgusting display of presidential abuse of power… nor have I seen such an egregious desecration of the office of the President of the United States.

Every day we hear something more horrifying than the next. Shockwaves shoot through me when I receive news of America being violated yet again. I promise you: the latest transgressions will pierce right through your heart.
You ready for this?

I gotta warn you my friend, it’ll make you want to hurl.
We just learned through Tea Party intelligence that the U.S. Army built a 300-acre “fake city” in Virginia—complete with a sports stadium, a bank, a subway system, and even a school. It’s modeled after a place you or I or our family and friends might live, work or visit.

They’re using it to conduct life-like drills, claiming it’s “training for overseas occupation missions”… It’s pure Americana. Everything is in English. Subway cars carry the same logo as those in DC.
Bone-chilling isn't it?

Everything about this stinks of preparation for attacks upon the American people by Obama.
His loyalists have infiltrated our military—been handpicked and placed there by the “Imperial President”—and they’re getting prepared to carry out orders under Martial Law.

They’re practicing right under our noses!
Our vigilance must not wane one iota because Obama is sneaky like that—and when he makes his final move, mass destruction will ensue.
We have some serious things coming down. The deadlines are about to suffocate us so I pray you won’t fail me now—I beg you. Want to know what happens if you don’t?
We sit, hands tied, unable to do a blasted thing. You can kiss the rallies, protests, demonstrations, marches, letters, faxes, phone calls and clandestine operations goodbye.

You don’t want to do that because right now, the House is getting ready to sue Obama for gross “Executive Overreach.” We have people strategically placed in Washington, putting pressure on every member of the House and Senate.
We’re watching people that need to be watched—some of our elected representatives have become traitors. They can’t be trusted. That means extra Tea Party “special operations” people need to be in DC.

Our top team is carefully orchestrating our moves, even helping our retired military plan their take down of this “regime” ruled by terror and an iron fist.
Do you know the abuses have gotten so bad that even Eric Holder can no longer justify Obama’s executive actions?

Obama is declaring things to be law through executive orders that are not authorized by Congress—think the many changes to Obamacare, “recess” appointments, ordering Christian companies to offer health care related to abortion—and that’s just for starters.
Now here’s a doozy…
When Eric Holder was asked why one of Obama’s orders does not violate the Constitution Holder could not answer. Disgraceful.
He KNOWS Obama is trashing the Constitution and our legislative branch of government. Yet, he does nothing.
This is criminal…rank corruption running amok.
Since day one Obama has established a regime steeped in lawlessness surrounded by the stench of oppression.

He issues his reckless edicts through tweets and social media. He changes Obamacare whim-by-whim. Rule of law has been tossed out the window.
We ARE in an all-out war to get him OUT.
Many have suggested civil unrest is coming. Can’t you just feel it?
Clearly the enemy is preparing for it.
What frightens me is that Obama has said he would fire upon our good citizens. We were warned by Navy SEAL Ben Smith that Obama has asked the military’s top brass if they would be comfortable disarming US citizens.
There’s no doubt in my mind Obama is executing his carefully laid out plan to implement Martial Law and a complete overtake.

He will have us in lockdown soon. We must stop him and it won’t happen without you.
Fort Hood soldiers are being “indoctrinated”—being told that Christians and Tea Party supporters are a “radical terror threat.”
Stop and think “WHY”—why would they teach this if not to subvert the Constitution to carry out a plan for Martial Law so Obama can occupy his throne.
When that happens the persecution will really begin.
Do not think it can’t happen. Obama is setting us up now so we must act quickly. You need proof?

That same US Army manual I mentioned a minute ago…
It also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps.
I’m not sure if I should tell you the rest but I will.
According to the manual, internees would be “reeducated” into developing an “appreciation of US policies” while detained in the prison camps.
Revealed in that very same top-secret manual are plans for troops to quell domestic riots, confiscate firearms and kill Americans during civil unrest.
If for whatever reason you may still be skeptical then understand this…
During a recent Ohio National Guard exercise those who supported the Second Amendment were portrayed as domestic terrorists.

Do you support the Second Amendment? Congratulations. Right now, under Obama, you’re a domestic terrorist.
Have you had enough? Then do something about it.
We have massive numbers of letters, emails and faxes to get out. The number of phone calls we have to make around the country is astounding.
It takes more than an army to get all of this done—and a whole lot of financial resources. Ours are running very low. We have to count on grassroots America—the heart and soul of our country—to make it happen.

We have so much work yet to do. Please do not back off, give up or leave us in the lurch. We cannot do it without you.
Michele Bachman has issued a call to We the People—you, me, our brothers, sisters, parents, aunts, uncles and everyone we know—to pool our support into a campaign that will indict Obama and toss his sorry a&*% out of office.
It is the only way our lawmakers can get Obama impeached.
There is no time to “wait and see” or assume someone else will do it. There is no one else. Do you hear me? No one else that is fighting Obama or that has your back except us.

Are you ready for the final countdown? Let’s do this thing. Failure is NOT an option. To donate: https://www.teaparty.org/campaigns/
Steve Eichler
Tea Party

P.S. – Can you help us with something else? We've fallen behind on signatures for our IMPEACH OBAMA petition. Please sign the petition here and have your friends and family do it, too. I’d like to reach one million signatures in the coming week. Can you help us make it?

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