Hegel's Dialectic:

By Linda Kimball

Erasing Christianity through the Consensus Process

Julian Huxley, the head of UNESCO in 1947, wrote a book titled, "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy." His book was a blueprint for a New World Order that called for a single 'new' spirituality — a mixture of Buddhist materialist-pantheism, Liberalized 'pantheistic' Christianity, Gnosticism, and other occult traditions — one language, and one way of thinking. He believed a global order could be brought about through the universal implementation of Hegel's Dialectic process.

Huxley observed, "The task before UNESCO...is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose." Huxley spoke of two opposing worldviews — one founded on supernatural creation and the other on atheist evolutionism — confronting each other from the West and the East. In describing them he said, "You may categorize the two philosophies as...individualism versus collectivism or as the American versus the Russian...or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? I believe...this can happen...through the inexorable dialectic of evolution." (http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/globalism/julian-huxley.htm)

The concept of dialectics has been around for a long time. In the American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828, Noah Webster defined dialectics as: "That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning."Simply stated, dialectics refers to 'position' versus 'opposition' or 'thesis'versus 'antithesis,' or 'truth' versus 'falsehood.' By the traditional rules of conduct, if thesis is correct then it follows logically that antithesis is incorrect. Georg Hegel, a master magician in the Hermetic tradition and an Enlightenment shock trooper of evil, discarded the rules and turned the concept upside-down by equalizing thesis and antithesis, which resulted in moral relativity. 'New truth,' a merging of truth and falsehood and/or Buddhist materialist-pantheism and Christianity for example, is now found in something called 'synthesis,' or 'consensus,' the favored vernacular of Progressive Liberals.

Hegelian Dialect is a perfect example of what J. Budziszewski, the author of"What We Can't Not Know" termed the "black magic spells of imposture and unraveling." Hegel's form of dialectics is an impostor and its' purpose is to deceptively unravel truth and norms and then replace them with a 'new truth'which is yet another impostor.

Hegel's 'black magic' Dialectics is the strange fire fueling the weapon of mass destruction unwittingly wielded by mind-conditioned Americans and Westerners on behalf of Transnational Progressive New Agers and fellow travelers in their war against the West's traditional Christian-based worldview and cultural infrastructure. Called "group dynamics" or the "consensus process," Hegel's dialectic is a psycho political behavior and belief modification technique used with great success by Vietnamese communists against American POWs and by Chinese communists against dissidents.

The foundation and key strategy of the consensus process is the knowledge that all individuals have an inherent fear of being alienated from the group. During sensitivity-training and diversity-training sessions, skillful change-agents (facilitators) psychologically manipulate this fear to herd selected victims toward a preplanned conclusion that induces them to compromise both conscience and position. This is the consensus process in a nut shell, and when we hear Liberals screaming for 'consensus,' they're really demanding that they be allowed to 'facilitate' the compromise of conscience which leads to the abandonment of Christian-based Western ideals and principles.

There are three steps to the consensus process. They are called,"Unfreezing the present level, moving to the new level, and freezing group life on the new level." In order to speed up the unfreezing phase, communists resorted to physical torture, shock 'therapy,' and mind-altering drugs. In America, emotional pain, intimidation, and fear are precipitated by way of vicious psychological bullying such as sadistic ridicule, character assassination, destructive criticism, labeling, and spreading lies. Until total control has been achieved, psycho politics will remain the preferred method.

There are four key elements necessary for a successful 'consensus process'operation. They are:

Multicultural and/or diverse groups, for instance 'gays,' atheists, Wiccans, or Muslims, fueled by resentment and envy — necessary for causing social conflict.

A traditional social or cultural issue around which conflict can be created. For example, the Boy Scouts, Christmas, traditional marriage, and male-female sex norms are demonized as 'unfair, exclusionary, insensitive, intolerant, racist, homophobic, and hurtful' to diverse groups.

The dialoguing to consensus process.

The predetermined outcome. For example: Christmas parades successfully recast as "Festival of Lights" or "Winter Holiday" parades that are inclusive of gay 'erotomaniac' celebrants; traditional marriage compromised by 'gay' unions.

The consensus process has been so successful at unraveling the West's traditional culture that here in America for example, Christianity has been banned from government on all levels as well as from schools and increasingly from public areas. Christians have lost their jobs, been jailed, and their children harassed and even suspended for daring to express their Christian beliefs in any way. Anti-Christian bigotry has become so bad that John Gibson observed,

"There is this kind of casual and accepted bias against Christians and Christian symbols." (The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday is Worse Than You Thought, John Gibson).

Shock-troopers of evil concur:

"We have battled in America since the century's turn to bring to nothing...all Christian influences and we are succeeding. You must work until officials of city, county, and state will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. (there must) be a...foaming hatred of religion...a belief that Christian practice is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable." (Red Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics)

"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. Its importance has been...increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated." Bertrand Russell

John Gibson asked a Eugene, Oregon city manager why he had banned Christmas trees. His politically correct mind-conformed response, "Well, because they're Christian." This manager and countless scores of other Americans testify to the enormous success thus far achieved by psycho political operatives. Having been "unfrozen" from the level whereon America's traditional worldview resides and successfully 'moved' to the desired level and then 'frozen' there, they now serve their new masters evil desires by mindlessly destroying the source of both their liberties and their human worth — Christianity.

"Oh but, Christianity has nothing to do with either the founding of our nation or with our rights and freedoms," proclaim mind-conditioned scoffers, doubters, atheists, and skeptics both here in America and throughout the West. The truth however has been 'hiding' in full view, but because their minds are darkened by black magic spells and their eyes made sightless by black magic dust, the mind-conditioned cannot see Truth even when it looks them in the face. In boasting of his clever blueprint, Huxley for example, unwittingly 'confessed' the truth when he said of the two opposing philosophies, "You may categorize the two philosophies as...Christianityversus Marxism."


Note: This article was originally published in 2005. This is the updated version.

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