Vote To Defund ObamaCare Friday, Sept. 20

This is the showdown patriots! We've been fighting ObamaCare since 2009. Don't give in or give up yet! I need all boots on the ground, calls being made, Petition signed by as many as possible, and faxes being sent.
Thanks for standing shoulder to shoulder with us in this fight!
Darla Dawald, National Director 

Three Important Action Items:

1. Call Your Representative in Congress
2. Read the Alert below then sign

3. FAX Congress NOW and DEMAND:
  • To see a complete list of fax contacts or if you prefer to send your own faxes, click here.
Urgent PAN Alert:

Dear Patriot,

Just minutes ago, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) announced that the House would vote on a continuing resolution "defunding ObamaCare while letting the rest of the government continue to operate."

Calling the President's signature legislation "a train wreck," Boehner added, "It's time to protect American families from this unworkable law." 
Though a politically risky strategy, it's one that has growing support. A recently released CNN poll shows that 57 percent of Americans favor their current health care plan over Obama's Affordable Care Act.

The fact that the House is moving forward with a vote to defund ObamaCare can only be seen as a victory for grassroots Americans who fear that the President's health care overhaul will devastate our economy, the workforce and quality of care in the U.S.

+ + Urgent Petition Delivery Tomorrow, Sept. 19!

Grassfire and PAN team members have been on the leading edge of the health care debate since its earliest stages. In the wake of this morning's announcement, Grassfire will rush petitions of support to Speaker Boehner and other leading members of Congress tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 19).

Patriot, at this critical time with less than 24-hours before our "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petitions are hand-delivered to John Boehner's office, our records show that you have not yet added your name to this important petition.

Please do so now by clicking here.

+ + Vote To Defund ObamaCare Friday, Sept. 20

By signing right now, you ensure delivery to the House Speaker's office prior to Friday's scheduled vote and just days before all citizens are required to register for ObamaCare.

Don't delay. Your voice in this debate is vital. Go here now to sign, giving Grassfire permission to deliver your petition directly to Speaker Boehner's office tomorrow:

Again, word of a vote to defund ObamaCare is indeed a victory for grassroots Americans. But this definitely is NOT the time to rest. Take a moment right now to add your name to the national "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petition and have it hand-delivered to House Speaker John Boehner's office tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 19).

Go here now to sign this important grassroots petition to defund and delay Obama's Affordable Care Act:

Thank you, in advance, for taking action.

The Grassfire and Patriot Action Network Teams

P.S. We didn't want to waste any time getting this urgent alert to you, because the window to defund and delay ObamaCare is closing fast. After signing the petition, please take a few moments to alert your friends and family to stand with you. Urge them to take immediate action by clicking here.

"No Continuing Resolutions That Fund ObamaCare!" -

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