URGENT: "Defund and Delay" deadline is noon ET today!

Dear Patriot,

Grassfire team members have less than two hours to take action! Tomorrow, the House is scheduled to vote on a continuing resolution to fund the government but defund the President's "Affordable" Care Act. In order to hand-deliver petitions before that crucial vote, Grassfire will close the "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petition TODAY at noon ET.

+ + Grassfire records indicate you haven't signed the "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petition.

Patriots, if you agree that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act should be defunded or delayed prior to its implementation on October 1, please click here or on the "Yes" button below.


Again, you must take action before noon ET today. At that time, our representatives MUST begin the delivery process in order to present more than 135,000 citizen petitions to House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell this afternoon.

If you do NOT think ObamaCare should be delayed or defunded and you support the President's massive takeover of your health care, SIMPLY DO NOTHING. You will be counted among the Grassfire team members who have not signed the "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petition.


Grassfire representatives will be hand-delivering "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petitions on Capitol Hill TODAY! Make sure you're represented before tomorrow's vote to defund the President's massive health care takeover. Simply click the "Yes" button above or go here now:


Thank you, in advance, for taking action.

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Don't miss your last chance to be included in this afternoon's presentation of some 135,000 "Defund and Delay ObamaCare" petitions on Capitol Hill. Click here now to sign and beat today's noon ET deadline.

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