The Vote Heard 'Round the Country

Tuesday, in heated historic Colorado recall elections, two Democrats from heavily Democrat voter districts were fired by their constituents. State Senate President John Morse, representing Colorado Springs, and State Sen. Angela Giron, representing Pueblo, were ousted for supporting an unconstitutional ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds, and expanding background checks to include private sales.
A staple in the Democrats' political playbook is plucking emotional strings, particularly with female voters. Seizing the moment after a sociopath killed children in Newtown, Connecticut, and another sociopath murdered patrons in an Aurora, Colorado theater, Morse and Giron led Colorado's legislative assault on the Second Amendment, building their political platform on the coffins of children.
In the emotional tide of the moment, those legislative acts passed. But in retrospect, when reason was restored, a few residents started a grassroots movement to recall Morse and Giron. Democrats estimated that movement wouldn't amount to much.
They were wrong.
The recall election was seen by some as a proxy vote, and given that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-Second Amendment allies poured money into Colorado to save these Democrats, that's not an unreasonable view. Bloomberg spent $350,000 personally, and $3 million total was raised to retain Senators Morse and Giron, while only $500,000 was raised to oust them.
The Democrat Party even sent in Bill Clinton at the last minute to bolster support for the Demos.
On the unseating of Morse and Giron, naturally DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz concluded, “The recall elections in Colorado were defined by the vast array of obstacles that special interests threw in the way of voters for the purpose of reversing the will of the legislature and the people. This was voter suppression, pure and simple.”
But the fact that Demos outspent Republicans 6-1 doesn't amount to a “vast array of obstacles that special interests threw in the way.”
Two days after the election, Angela Giron, apparently having gotten Wasserman's memo, claimed on CNN, “We know what really happened here … what this story is really about, it's about voter suppression.”
That prompted even the liberal CNN anchor, Brooke Baldwin, to respond, “OK, forgive me, but I'm going to cut you off right there. I've read reports on lack of popularity on your behalf. Let's just not go there.” Baldwin then reminded Giron that she and Morse were backed by “mega, mega cash.”
For his part, Colorado's Demo Gov. John Hickenlooper, sensing a renewed grassroots movement that will unseat him in the next election, said, “You know, I was never as fired up on the magazine checks.” He then changed the subject, saying voters should “refocus again on what unites Coloradans – creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state – and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”
No doubt he, and many other Democrat legislators across the nation, want to change the subject.

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