Speak Up and Stand Up When You See Evil

On his TV show Thursday, Glenn Beck urged viewers to speak up and stand up when they see evil — these days, he said, the “evil detector” of too many people seems to be malfunctioning.
Beck began by playing Ann Curry’s interview with Iran’s newly-elected president, Hassan Rouhani, where the man responds to a question about whether the Holocaust occurred by noncommittally saying he is a politician, not a historian.

“He couldn’t bring himself to comment on the Holocaust being a ‘myth,’ and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out exactly what he means.  He is a Holocaust denier,” Beck said.  “President Obama, however, he sees a future with this guy.  In fact, he sees a future pen pal!  He’s actually exchanging letters with this man.”
Beck then played video of the president in an interview with George Stephanopolous, where the president said they haven’t spoken directly, but have communicated through “letters.”
“Love letters to Holocaust-denying dictators doesn’t really cut it for me,” Beck reflected.  “I don’t think it cuts against the evil that is rising all over Europe, the Middle East, here in America.”

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