The Liberty Amendments spent its first two weeks of sales at #1, and I presume #2 wasn’t close. Don’t miss the subtext: Mark Levin’s perspective and interests relate directly to him being America’s best-selling political author. His choice of topic bears as much relevance to his books’ worth as does the content. Levin appears to primarily interest himself with overarching concerns — philosophy, law, the nature of the state and man’s behavior — and he then references daily matters of governance in such terms. His heart is in “statesman” stuff; his sales are evidence that conservatives’ hearts are, too.
As a response to Obama — and to the century of disregard for the Constitution that preceded him — Levin has drafted proposals for a series of constitutional amendments intended to reinforce the Founders’ intent. As such, this is obviously not FDR’sSecond Bill of Rights, yet bafflingly, noting that Levin offers nothing that opposes the Founding motives has become necessary since the book’s publication (Rush Limbaugh mentioned on Monday that even some conservatives have misread Levin’s intent). Each of Levin’s proposed amendments provides additional safeguards for liberty of which the Founders failed to foresee a need, and nothing more.
Of course — via extensive deliberation regarding “known unknowns” — the Founders did foresee a need to install an amendment process allowing future citizens a means of clawing back unintended power from a governing class. The amendment process has been successfully completed seventeen times following the initial ten amendments composing the Bill of Rights, but all seventeen instances involved initiation of the amendment process by the federal government. This is only one of two processes of amending established by Article V of the Constitution; the other method has never been successfully administered. Levin makes the case that this second method bears much promise today.
The following is an excerpt from Article V, with the key passage in italics:
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