Even when Obama gets it right, his motives are self-serving

Even when Obama gets it right, his motives are self-serving juxtaposed to being based on actual concern for the people.  That having been said, nor can it be over looked the he is never at a lost to show himself a petty dictator as his wife reminds us that base commonality clings to them tighter than the skin tight stretch jeans she cavorted around in at the children's award show last year.  
Obama sans an Idi Amin dress-up suit, appeared before the American people little more than a week ago to beg Congress to please let him attack Syria.  It seems that turning America into a food stamp nation, destroying the economy, debt, unemployment intermingled with his golf games, vacations, and his wife's jumping jacks isn't enough to sate his narcissistic need to play dress-up leader.  So instead of playing with toy soldiers like most children, having the military at his disposal he decided now was the perfect time to attack Syrian leader and really play commander-in-chief.
With the blood of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods on his hands for deliberately allowing them to be murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, with persons having hours before been murdered in an attack by a mentally unstable dishonorably discharged former military person at the Naval Yard, Obama ordered the flags to fly at half mast and a night of Latin music and revelry with guests such as Ricky Martin, Gloria Estefan, Natalie Cole, among other celebrities for a Latino music performance at the White House in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month to be rescheduled.

In rescheduling the gala White House event he did the right thing, but he then seized the moment to berate Tea Party candidates with what the Associated Press called a "blistering warning to congressional Republicans."
One would think that the gravity of the moment, in which Americans were laying dead within miles of the White House his wife would have concern for the survivors and families if the lost.  But it appears she viewed dancing the Latin boggaloo, drinks and succulent foods was more important than taking time to meet with the families of those murdered that day.  All Michelle Obama, the classless First Lady, could talk about was moving to the music of the anticipated White House dance that evening.  She was barely able to contain herself as she said, "Even the president, you will see tonight, shake his groove thing."

One can only imagine how devastated she was that the media would not get to witness Obama "shaking his groove thing."  I can almost feel for her. 

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        Mychal Massie

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