A message to Humanity

Reblogged from Social Ignorance

I wanted to share this video because the words struck a certain part of my heart that I had long forgotten. It revives the hope I have for humanity. It revives the very essence of human spirit.

 I sometimes look back at why I even served in the military and I feel ashamed. I am so glad that I chose the path of a medic and I chose to help those in need instead of destroy. I saw no enemies but people who were fighting for different reasons. I had conversations with many  Iraqi's and foreign nationals. Some of them were detainees and some were ones that harmed American soldiers. Though I do not condone the harming of my fellow soldiers, it did sadden me to hear their stories. Just because I wore the United States flag on my arm did not mean that I declared war against those who do not understand my culture. I was a slave to politicians and the rich who were to afraid to fight their wars.

 I saw the same fear in a lot of their eyes as I have read in books about the colonists vs. Britain. I heard the fear for their families and homes if they had not done what they did. Though they injured the "good" guys, they were only protecting THEIR home, THEIR life and THEIR families from the terrorist that gave them no choice but to commit these actions. Now this is not true when it comes to all of these individuals (some of them just hated the west and wanted to destroy us) but for the majority most of them only did what they could to SURVIVE and PROTECT the things they loved. Now let me ask you something, is that not the reason why we justified a war on so called "terrorism"? To protect the things we love? Our freedom or democracy? These people were doing just that but we labeled them the enemy and made them the target of our hatred and vengeance. But they were not the reason. They acted out of fear from terror. And then we terrorized them on top of that by searching their homes, showing them hatred and no mercy, killing innocent people...

Some of these people committed terrorism because they had nothing. No home, no family and no job. They purposely proceeded to get caught to go to prison. So that they could have a three meals a day, a bed and people that showed a sense of caring to them. People in America do this today! But do we go and kill them? Do we aim all of our hatred at their religion or family? No we don't...

I once asked two teenagers about how we as Americans could help their people and their country. They replied, "The only way to stop this is to nuke the entire country." These were the children of Iraq. They saw no hope in their homeland, their people. That is terribly sad...

Do you know who made this speech? Charlie Chapman, a famous comedian. His words are so true. His words ignite a passion in my heart to remain loving and caring to others. To stop being selfish and worried about greed. We are so afraid that we hoard all of our resources instead of sharing it. These resources are abundant and plentiful. Have we forgotten that the fruits of our labor do not make us happy because it benefits us.... but benefits others? Have we forgotten the feeling of happiness and joy when we share and give everything unselfishly? To give to those in need instead of holding onto things that we never needed in the first place? We are not a selfish animal but an organism that thrives in a community. We live in fear... fear that we will not be able to have the things needed in order to survive if we don't "save" or hoard our hard work. But that is not the truth anymore. I hope one day we realize that we need each other to survive... that we need our family, neighbors and friends to survive.What we need is to let go our fears and to begin to love all people. 


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