11 Million Users Drop Facebook Over Privacy Concerns

For anyone wishing to be part of a social network without the surveillance, there are several excellent ones that I belong to. They’re all free. You may want to check them out and tell your friends and family so you can stay in touch, uncensored, in case Facebook gets even uglier.

There are no doubt more sites out there but these will get you started. It’s always good to have a Plan B, right?  ;0)
1. Extraterrestrials.ning.com  (not the same as Facebook but an amazing, supportive community that shares fabulous information)
2. HumanityHealing.com – much like Facebook, focusing on healing Humanity—no kidding!
3. AwarenessAct.com – very much like FaceBook
Come to think of it, David Icke’s ‘The People’s Voice’ news organization would be an excellent platform for a social media network that’s “off the grid”. We don’t need no stinkin’ Facebook!

Facebook users closing accounts in record numbers

Live on the 21st of September, 2010, ad:tech, London (at Olympia). This was the sixth year in the UK for the online marketing and advertising community to gather at ad:tech London to reveal the latest trends and market figures, share best practices and address industry challenges. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Live on the 21st of September, 2010, ad:tech, London (at Olympia). This was the sixth year in the UK for the online marketing and advertising community to gather at ad:tech London to reveal the latest trends and market figures, share best practices and address industry challenges. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)’
September 18, 2013
New research showsFacebook has lost a total of 11 million users, nine million in the US and two million in Britain. Researchers at the University of Vienna analyzed 600 users and found they quit for reasons like privacy concerns, general dissatisfaction, shallow conversations and fear of becoming addicted, Alalam reported.[1]
Facebook developed a following because it allowed people to connect with friends more easily, and due to these increased capabilities they became the dominant social network on the internet.
Over the years Facebook has become one of the most popular websites in the world, and recently the company has been taking advantage of their social network dominance.
The newest controversies surrounding Facebook have been the intentional censorship of activist profiles and the “promotional posts” scam which has cut off every single Facebook user from a vast majority of their posts.
Since these changes silently went into effect a few months ago, every single Facebook user can now only see a fraction of the stories which should be in their news feed.
For artists, activists and people with websites, there is now an option for them to promote their posts for a ridiculous fee and have more of their fans see their posts.
Many Facebook users don’t even realize that this is happening because unless you’re using the site for promotional purposes you don’t really notice.
Also, for years there have been so many rumors about Facebook charging that now when activists try to tell people about these new changes, it has turned into a “boy cried wolf scenario” and no one pays attention.
In addition to this monetizing scam there has also been an increase in censorship.
If we wanted to fight a losing battle we could protest Facebook, and try to get them to change their polices.  However, that doesn’t really seem like it would be effective, and it hasn’t been effective in the past.
What actually needs to take place is the same sort of exodus that we saw from MySpace to Facebook, and in order for that exodus to take place we are going to need a more appealing social network for people to migrate to.
There are already some newer social networks popping up, but it doesn’t seem like any of them can compete with Facebook, at least not yet anyway.
I know that there are masses of hackers out there that are way more intelligent than Mark Zuckerberg, and they can work together to create a decentralized, open source social network that blows Facebook completely out of the water.
So what do you say guys? is the challenge accepted?

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